Nybegynnerguide 2.0: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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Linje 514: Linje 514:
  |rowspan=4 align=center|[[File:Militia_40x40.png‎|Militia|link=Militia]]
  |rowspan=4 align=center|[[File:Militia_40x40.png‎|Militia|link=Militia]]
  |rowspan=4 align=center|[[Militia]]
  |rowspan=4 align=center|[[Milits]]
  |rowspan=4|Militia is a special unit which is not built through the barracks. Instead, militia is enlisted citizens from the [[Farm]]. By enlisting militia through the farm, you agree to have half resource production in return for some militia (10 per farm level, more with research) to be enlisted for 3 hours.
  |rowspan=4|Militser er en spesiell enhet som ikke kan rekrutteres via kasernen. I stedet kan du finne militser i [[gård|gården]]. Ved å tilkalle militser via gården går du med på å halvere produksjonen av ressursene i 3 timer for å få militser (10 per nivå på gården, flere med forskning).

You cannot use militia as a unit as such. You cannot attack or control militia. However, militia will guard your village for 3 hours. After these 3 hours, your militia will go back to work. You do not lose or use any population with militia.
You cannot use militia as a unit as such. You cannot attack or control militia. However, militia will guard your village for 3 hours. After these 3 hours, your militia will go back to work. You do not lose or use any population with militia.

Sideversjonen fra 18. sep. 2011 kl. 16:30

Toolbox.pngDenne siden er for øyeblikket under vedlikehold

Denne siden er under vedlikehold og kan dermed inneholde feilaktig, mangelfullt, utdatert eller ikke oversatt innhold. Takk for tålmodigheten mens vi jobber.

Den ultimate nybegynner guiden (for 2.0)

Laget og skrevet av Osl112

Denne grunnleggende guiden vil hjelpe deg i dine første steg på vei mot herredømme her på Grepolis. Den vil lære deg de mest grunnleggende stegene (og noen litt avanserte) for å gjøre deg til en mester av dette spillet - den med mange guder og hersker over mange landsbyer. Denne guiden kan føles veldig lang, men ikke føl at du er nødt til å lese med en eneste gang. Bruk guiden etterhvert som du spiller!

Nå og da vil du se små fargede bokser som inneholder forskjellige hint og tips fra andre erfarne spillere. Hver farge har en forskjellige type hint.

Grønn - Osl112's beste tips: Disse hintene vil hjelpe deg til å få mest ut av spillet, samt gi deg noen råd.

Rød - Hva du burde gjøre neste: Sliter du med å se hva du burde gjøre neste? Ønsker du hjelp til å vite hva du burde gjøre neste? Disse boksene vil gi deg hint om hva neste mål kan være, basert på veldig mange andre spillere sine mål.

Blå - Les mer: Disse linkene vil linke deg til andre sider på wikien som kan gi deg mer informasjon om et spesifikk tema om nødvendig.


"To brave men, the prizes that war offers are liberty and fame." - Lycurgus of Sparta

Ditt mål er å bli større enn den vanlige grekeren; å bli helt! Du skal gå rakrygget blant alle de andre og jobbe med din allianse for å bygge verdens vidundere, samt forsvaring mot fientlige enheter såvel som å angripe dem. Du skal møte nye allianser, nye fiender og nye mennesker. Du skal bygge din by stor, ta over andre sine landsbyer og bli enehersker over din landsby. Mest viktigst av alt, du skal ha det morsomt!


"Against danger it pays to be prepared." - Aesop

Det er veldig mange forskjellige verdier som skiller en verden fra en annen. Dersom du allerede har valgt deg en verden, kan det være lurt å fortsette lesingen sånn at du faktisk vet hva de forskjellige innstillingene betyr. Har du derimot ikke startet på en verden enda, kan det være lurt å lese videre for og finne ut hvilke innstillinger som måtte passe best for deg.

Tabellen nedenfor viser deg de forskjellige mulige innstillingene og hva de betyr:

Innstillinger Betydning
Spillhastighet Dette sier noe om hvor raskt verden går. Hastighet 1 er basis hastigheten - speed 2 er dobbelt så raskt som speed 1 og speed 3 er tredobelt så raskt som speed 1.

Spillhastighet påvirker hvor raskt bygninger kan bli bygget og hvor raskt du kan rekruttere tropper. Alle har en hastighet dem er mest fornøyd med. Jeg foretrekker speed 2 da det hverken er for raskt eller for treigt.

Enhetshastighet Denne bestemmer hvor raskt enhetene/troppene skal bevege seg fra en landsby til en annen. Basishastigheten er 1 - noe som betyr at Speed 2 vil være dobbelt så raskt som speed 1, men det er viktig å merke seg at denne hastigheten som regel alltid står på 1. Lavere hastighet er bra dersom du er mindre aktiv og ikke planlegger å spille så ofte.
Nybegynnerbeskyttelse Nybegynnerbeskyttelse sier noe om tiden fra en spiller starter på verden, og ikke kan bli angrepet av andre spillere. Standarden her er 5 dager, men det kan være mer/mindre.

Dersom du akkurat har startet på en verden har du også mest sannsynlig nybegynnerbeskyttelse!

Moral Moral gjør fordelen til en større spiller mye lavere som prøver å angripe en mindre spiller. Denne innstillingen kan kun bli satt til aktiv eller inaktiv.
Medlemsgrense (allianse) Maksimalt antall spillere som kan være i en og samme allianse på samme tidspunkt.
Erobringssytem På Grepolis finnes det to forskjellige måter å erobre andre landsbyer på – hver verden kan kun bruke en av dem. Den ene er falt opprør hvor du har to perioder på 12 timer hvor i den siste delen landsbyen faktisk kan bli erobret. Den andre heter erobring hvor du er nødt til å holde ditt spesielle skip levende. Slapp helt av, dette vil du lære mer om seinere!
Versjon For ikke så veldig lenge siden ble en ny versjon av Grepolis lansert med helt lik spillermåte, men med masse nye funksjoner og et helt nytt utseende. Denne guiden er for den nye versjonen av Grepolis, så om du spiller på den gamle (1,26. – Alpha til Delta) vil ikke denne guiden hjelpe deg noe.

Disse verdensinnstillingene er bestemt av Innogames, selskapet som har utviklet Grepolis. Nye verdener med forskjellige innstillinger vil bli sluppet relativt ofte, så hold et øye oppe for dem!

Les mer:

Denne siden vil forklare innstillingene videre.

Hva skal en gjøre nå:

Om du ikke har blitt med i en verden enda er det nå på tide å gjøre dette! Prøv å bli med på en 2.0 (ny versjon) verden siden denne guiden bruker 2.0


"Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripides

Det aller første steget til å bli en legende er å vite hvordan interface ser ut. Ved å bruke interface kan du se på kryss av land, sjekke angrep og aller viktigst – kontrollere din landsby!

Etter å ha logget inn for første gang vil du få opp et opplæringsvindu. Ta deg gjerne tiden til å gå igjennom den! Om du går igjennom den vil den gi deg en rask oversikt over hvordan ting fungerer, men om du føler at du vet nok om interface kan du hoppe videre til neste seksjon.


Dette er din hovedoversikt. Her kan du se resten av verden! Du kan også se antall ressurser i din nåværende landsby, rapporter du måtte ha og andre linker til viktige sider. Alle nøkkelinformasjonene er her, og tabellen underfor vil fortelle deg hva du ser:

No. på bilde Hva er det Hva betyr det
1 Landsbynavn Dette er navnet på landsbyen din! Den viser deg hva navnet på den nåværende byen din er. Om du ønsker å endre navnet på den byen, trenger du kun å dobbelt klikke på navnet eller du kan klikke på den en gang å få en oversikt over alle landsbyene du eier (så snart du får flere landsbyer selvfølgelig). Den viser også nåværende magi som har blitt brukt på den byen (forklart i seksjon 7).
2 Informasjonsmeny Denne menyen viser deg nesten alt du trenger å vite angående hva som skjer i landsbyen din akkurat nå. Starter fra venstre så er den første knappen en link til din landsbyoversikt (forklares seinere), etterpå følger knappen som lar deg velge hvilken landsby du ønsker å kontrollere (når du har fått deg flere enn èn landsby). Deretter har vi tre knapper som viser deg at tropper blir rekruttert, hvilke angrep som er utgående/innkommende og dersom noe handel er på gang. Ha disse i bakhodet da du seinere vil få bruk for dem!
3 Ressurser Du kan se ditt nåværende antall ressurser her; tømmer, stein og sølv (forklares i neste seksjon). Den C’en som du kan se rundt antallet viser deg hvor mye du har i forhold til maksimalt beholdning i lageret (forklares i seksjon 5). Om du ikke har plass til flere ressurser vil tallet bli rødt. Det siste på dette bildet er at det viser deg hvor mye ledig befolkning du har igjen i gården din (også forklart i neste seksjon).
4 Gud- og enhetsoversikt På toppen av nummer 4 vil du se hvilken Gud som den landsbyen tilber og hvor mye velvilje som har blitt produsert (forklares i seksjon 9). Deretter vil de to rullemenyene fortelle deg noe om hvor mange tropper den nåværende landsbyen har og sjøenheter. Om du klikker på bilde av et lyn vil menyen endre seg til en liste over forskjellige type magi som kan bli brukt på den byen.
5 Minikart Dette er en kompakt versjon av kartet med alle knappene som kan brukes til å forme kartet til den måten du selv ønsker. Du kan dobbelt klikke på kartet for å maksimere det og få et større kart; noe som kan forstørres ved å klikke. Under kartet er det x og y koordinater fra den verdenen som du er i på det tidspunktet – påfølgende har vi knapper hvor du kan sette inn farger på landsbyer + en knapp som gjør at du kan hoppe til nåværende landsby sin posisjon.
6 Premium Denne viser nåværende premiumfunksjoner som er tilgjengelig og hvilke som allerede er aktivert (forklares i seksjon 10).
7 Sidemeny Sidemenyen inneholder alle linkene til nøkkelsidene på Grepolis. De fleste av disse åpnes i et ekstra vindu på spillet, selv om noen av dem er eksterne linker som linker deg videre til andre sider – som f.eks selve denne wikien.

Hver eneste en følger deg til en forskjellig oversikt. Noen har også kanskje et ikon eller nummer ved siden av, f.eks rankingen som viser hvilken rank du har i den verden!

8 Rapporter/meldinger Hver eneste handling (om det nå er angrepsrapport eller et nytt nivå på en bygning) vil bli vist her. Du kan scrolle sånn at du får opp informasjon om dette eller du kan klikke direkte på rapporten for å bli tatt med videre.

Du kan ha oppdaget det kartet som er på midten av vinduet. Dette er bakgrunnen, hovedkartet og kan bli scrollet rundt for å se på dine omgivelser.


Du har kanskje lagt merke til at noen av landsbyene ser noe annerledes ut. Følgende tabell vil forklare deg om disse landsbyene (det er godt mulig at du ønsker å hoppe over denne delen og lese den seinere).

Landsby Landsbytype Forklaring
Own Village.png Din landsby Dette er din landsby. Den vil også være omringet av en hvit ring som viser hvilken landsby du nåværende kontrollerer. Når du får flere byer vil du huske at den hvite ringen betyr det.
Other Village.png Andre spilleres landsbyer Det er en annen spillers landsby. Du vil kanskje også legge merke til at den er noe større enn din egen akkurat nå. Og det kommer av at jo mere poeng landsbyen din har, jo mer annerledes vil den vises på kartet.
Other Village2.png Andre spilleres landsbyer Igjen, dette er en annen spillers landsby – men noe annerledes. Du vil kanskje legge merke til at den har sverd på banneret sitt som representerer alliansen han spiller for.
Ghost.png Spøkelseslandsby Dette er en spøkelsesby. En spøkelsesby er en landsby som tidligere brukte å tilhøre en annen spiller, men som har sluttet å spille. Av den grunn har landsbyen blitt endra til en landsby som blir styrt av en maskin. Disse landsbyene mister tropper og bygninger med tiden da ingen passer på landsbyen, og vil etter hvert bli så liten at den forsvinner og blir en plass hvor det er mulig å grunnlegge en ny by.
Colony.png Opprett ny landsby her Det er ingen landsby her, men det er mulig for deg å opprette en ny landsby her (forklares i seksjon 12).

Disse handler kun om to farmelandsbyer (farming vil bli forklart i neste seksjon, så ikke bli forvirret om du ikke skjønner hva som menes med en gang).

FV1.png Farmelandsbyer Du kan farme disse ikke-spiller kontrollert landsbyer for å få flere ressurser (forklart i neste seksjon). Disse vil la deg farme den!
FVRed.png Farmelandsbyer Du kan farme disse ikke-spiller kontrollert landsbyer for å få flere ressurser (forklart i neste seksjon). Denne typen vil ikke la deg farme seg og er derfor nødt til å bli erobret.

Når du klikker på disse landsbyene vil en boks komme opp som gir deg forskjellige knapper. Hver av disse knappene viser til forskjellige ting som f.eks angrep. Følgende tabell vil vise deg de fleste knappene og fortelle deg hva de forskjellige gjør (du kan velge å hoppe over denne delen og bruke den som referanse seinere).

Knapp Navn på knapp Handlinger
COButton.png Landsbyoversikt Denne knappen vil gå til landsbyoversikten når du klikker på den. Denne knappen vil kun komme opp på dine landsbyer (landsbyoversikten er forklart i bygningseksjonen)
IButton.png Informasjon Denne knappen leer deg til en oversikt hvor du kan se informasjon angående valgte landsby, som f.eks poeng og koordinater.
GoTo.png Gå til Denne knappen sentrer landsbyen på kartet og vil vises med en tykk pil.
AttackButton.png Angrep Denne knappen vil raskt ta deg til vinduet hvor du kan angripe andre spillere (ved å klikke på en annen spiller som forklart i seksjon 8).
SupportButton.png Forsvar Denne knappen vil ta deg til vinduet hvor du kan sende støtte til andre spillere sine landsbyer (forklares i seksjon 8).
TradeButton.png Handel Denne knappen vil åpne vinduet hvor du kan sende/handle ressurser til andre spilleres landsbyer (forklares i seksjon 8.2).
EspionageButton.png Spionasje Denne knappen vil ta deg til oversikten hvor du kan sende spioner på andre spilleres landsbyer (forklares i seksjon 8.3).
SpellButton.png Magi Denne knappen vil ta deg til oversikten hvor du kan velge hvilken type magi du ønsker å bruke på en landsby.

Disse handler kun om to farmelandsbyer (farming vil bli forklart i neste seksjon, så ikke bli forvirret om du ikke skjønner hva som menes med en gang).

DemandButton.png Kreve Denne knappen vil ta deg til oversikten hvor du kan kreve flere ressurser.
LootButton.png Bytte Denne knappen vil ta deg til oversikten over hvor du kan bytte ressurser.
DemandTroopsButton.png Krev tropper Denne knappen vil ta deg til oversikten over hvor du kan kreve tropper fra farmelandsbyer.

Ikke legg så mye borti det om du ikke vet om alle til nå. Du vil tidsnok lære deg alt det er å vite om dem.

Når du klikker på en av disse knappene vil det åpnes opp et nytt vindu i en Grepolis fane. Grepolis bruker et fanesystem som gjør at du kan hoppe mellom flere forskjellige faner lett. F.eks dersom du skulle klikke på innstillinger så vil denne da dukke opp som et vindu i din nettleser. Dette vinduet kan fjernes, minimaliseres (som vil legge seg nede til venstre). Noen vinduer kan også ha faner som leder til forskjellige sider også.


Eksempel; vindu med faner, en minimering og en exit knapp

Om du finner det plagsomt med for lange faner kan du endre dette i innstillingene – her kan du sette opp et maks antall vinduer som kan dukke opp. Jeg foretrekker å ha kun ett vindu som duker opp om gangen. Dette gjør sånn at dersom jeg allerede har et vindu oppe og åpner et nytt, vil det første vinduet automatisk lukkes

Hva burde gjøres nå:

Du vil bli mer vant til å bruke interface etter hvert. Dette er en veldig detaljert oversikt over interface (som du kan ha merket allerede)!

Om du har gått igjennom opplæringen på spillet kan du ha lagt merke til hva ressurser gjør. Neste seksjon av guiden vil dekke ressurser og hvordan du får tak i ressurser. Om du ønsker kan du starte opplæringen angående farmelandsbyer nå og få et lite forsprang.


"Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor." - Euripides

I Grepolis er det tre grunnleggende ressurser som er:

Ikon Ressurs Navn på ressurs
Wood.png WoodBar.png Tømmer
Stone.png StoneBar.png Stein
Silver.png Silver Bar.png Sølv

Disse tre ressursene er nødvendige for å bygge enheter og bygninger i løpet av spillet Grepolis. Derfor er det også veldig viktig å ha innkommende på dem, samt vite hvordan en faktisk får tak i dem.

Ressursene på din interface.

Legg merke til at tømmer er rød da det ikke lenger er mer plass i lageret

Ressursene blir laget i en bygning kalt lageret. Du kan ha et visst antall ressurser av hver type i lageret ditt, som kan brukes når du vil. Hvor mye plass det er i varehuset ditt kan du se ved å sjekke ut den C’en som går rundt ressursene og maksimalt antall ressurser det er plass til kan sees ved å holde musepekeren over en ressurs. Varehuset gir deg også en liten mulighet til å skjule noen ressurser fra å bli tatt av andre, men det skal jeg forklare seinere.

Ressurser kan samles på flere måter. Den første metoden er igjennom tre bygninger som du kan bygge eller oppgradere; hogstfelt, steinbrudd og sølvgruve.

Ikon Bygning Beskrivelse
Timber Camp Timber1.png Hogstfelt- Denne bygningen produserer tømmer som du kan bruke. Jo høyere nivå det er på denne bygninger, jo mer tømmer vil bli produsert hver time.
Quarry Quarry1.png Steinbrudd- Denne bygningen produserer stein som du kan bruke. Jo høyere nivå det er på denne bygninger, jo mer tømmer vil bli produsert hver time.
Silver mine Mine1.png Sølvgruve- Denne bygningen produserer sølv som du kan bruke. Jo høyere nivå det er på denne bygninger, jo mer tømmer vil bli produsert hver time.

Hver av disse bygningene produserer sine egne typer ressurser av en grunnleggende basis som du kan bruke i din landsby, selv når du ikke er pålogget på din konto! Disse bygningene kan også bli oppgradert sånn at du kan få enda flere ressurser raskere. Du kan se hvor mange av hver ressurs du mottar hver time ved å holde over en av ressursene på toppen av vinduet. Når du ser over disse ressursene kan du også komme til å legge merke til at din øy har et stort antall trær, men ingen steinbrudd. Hver øy får en bonus på 10 % på produksjon av en spesifikk ressurs og 10 % lavere av en annen. Dette påvirker ressurser over nivå 20!

Dette kan ved første øyesyn virke helt topp, men du vil snart finne ut at det ikke er nok ressurser til å gjøre alt du ønsker i løpet av dagen. Og for den grunnen, vil du også motta et visst antall ressurser som en bonus for hver dag du logger inn.

Men du vil også snart finne ut at selv med den daglige bonusen så vil det fortsatt ikke være nok til å dekke alt du ønsker å gjøre. Derfor kan du bruke en metode som blir kalt farming. Merk deg at farming er veldig bra for spillere som er aktive, og dersom du ikke er det kan du bygge minene dine noe høyere for å fortsatt motta ganske greit med ressurser.


Om du ikke allerede har utført opplæringen angående farming, vil dette være det perfekte tidspunktet å gjøre dette på.

Bilde Landsby Beskrivelse
FV1.png Farmelandsby (erobret) Fra disse landsbyene kan du kreve eller bytte ressurser som forklart under.
FVRed.png Farmelandsbyer (ikke erobret) Disse landsbyene trengs å bli erobret før du kan farme dem.

Når du skal farme har du to alternativer. Du kan kreve ressurser som vil gi deg et mindre antall ressurser eller bytte ressurser som vil gi deg dobbelt så mange ressurser, men vil også forårsake dårlige humør. For å gjøre dette må du velge en farmelandsby på samme øy som deg og deretter klikke på ”kreve” eller ”bytte” knappen; noe som gjør at du får opp tilbud så vel som informasjon om humør.

Hver farmelandsby har et humør som direkte mot deg. Dette betyr at ingen andre kan påvirke humøret landsbyene har imot deg, bortsett fra du selv. Dersom humøret er altfor lavt, vil ikke landsbyen la deg ta med deg noen ressurser eller gi dem til deg. For å få humøret opp er du nødt til å sende noen tropper for å eliminere motstand. Humøret kan bli tatt ned til 84 % uten at dem gjør motstand.

Hvert bytte/krav vil tilby deg et gitt antall ressurser. F.eks kan du bli tilbudt 10 ressurser (husk at antallet som blir tilbudt alltid er antallet av hver ressurs, ikke summen av alle tre ressursene). Hvert tilbud vil også ha en viss tid hvor landsbyen vil være utilgjengelig for å kunne gi flere ressurser.

De mest effektive tilbudene vil også ha den laveste tiden der landsbyen til være utilgjengelig – disse kalles 5 minutters tilbud. Erfarne spillere bruker gjerne denne metoden for å få mer ressurser raskt sånn at dem kan bygge opp landsbyen sin raskt. Det er anbefalt at du gjør det samme når du er pålogget, men når du gjør deg klar for å logge av kan du bruke en av de andre tilbudene som bruker lenger tid. Dette er en av fordelene med å farme her på Grepolis – du kan mer eller mindre forme det rundt deg! Når du er pålogget trenger du ikke å konsentrere deg for fullt om det heller, bare å klikke hver 5-10 minutt for å hente ressurser mens du gjør andre ting.

Osl112's beste tips:

Farm rundt deg! Som forklart over her kan du legge opp farmingen til å passe rundt deg; du vil også finne ut at ved å gjøre det kan du lett samle masse ressurser til deg selv. F.eks hver 5 minutt når du sjekker ut andre deler av dette fantastiske internettet eller bruker maskinen din, hvert 20 minutt mens du gjør andre ting som å spise, hvert 120 minutt mens du går ut for en liten stund og hvert 300 minutt mens du sover.


Hver farmelandsby kan bli utvidet sånn at du kan få enda flere ressurser! Ved å samarbeide med andre spillere på samme øy som deg, venn eller fiende, kan du utvide landsbyene ved å bruke ressurser sånn at du kan få flere ressurser for hvert tilbud i framtiden.


Du starter kun med 1 farmelandsby som du kan få ressurser fra. For å kunne få tak i flere ressurser, er du nødt til å erobre dem ved å eliminere den minimale motstanden mot deg som dem har. Du er også nødt til å ha nok ressurser i din landsby (et minimums antall) sånn at den landsbyen faktisk respekterer deg.

Les mer:

Denne delen forklarer farming bedre.


Du har nok allerede lagt merke til at det finnes en annen verdi ved siden av ressursene. Dette blir kalt for befolkning og viser antall plass du har for nye innbyggere i din nåværende landsby.


Siden dine innbyggere trenger å bli matet, er du nødt til å ha en gård med nok plass til å mate dem. Nummeret på toppen på samme måte som ”95” som du kan se på bilde til høyre, viser hvor mange flere innbyggere du har plass til. Om du ikke kan lage plass for flere innbyggere, vil du heller ikke ha muligheten til å rekruttere flere enheter eller båter. Om mulig er du nødt til å oppgradere gården din!

Merk deg at de fleste bygningene og alle enhetene kommer til å oppta plass i gården din, og en god idè kan være å bygge ut gården din før du bygger masse tropper og bygninger; hold alltid et øye med befolkningen.

Hva burde du gjøre nå:

Fortsette å farme! Fokuser på å bygge opp gården din (sånn at du kan holde på flere innbyggere) og ditt varehus sånn at du kan holde på flere ressurser. Les neste kapittel her for å finne ut hvordan.


"It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls." - Epicurus

Dersom du har fullført opplæringen vet du nok allerede litt om bygningene, men denne vil gå en smule dypere.

Klikk på landsbyoversikten til venstre, klikk på knappen på landsbyoversikten på toppen, klikk på din nåværende landsby (den omringet av en sirkel), velg landsbyoversikt og du vil åpne et nytt vindu. Dette er din landsbyoversikt; her kan du se din landsby og alle bygningene den har. Herfra kan du klikke på bygninger og gjøre handlinger da hver eneste bygning gjør noe forskjellig.

Akkurat nå vil byen din se ut sånn som dette:


Seinere vil det se ut sånn som dette.


Og eventuelt vil den se ut som dette:


Ved å bruke det siste bilde der, skal vi gå igjennom hver eneste bygning nøye.

Nummer Ikon Navn på bygning Beskrivelse
1 Senate Senat I Senatet kan du få nye bygninger oppført eller utvide eksisterende bygninger. Jo høyere nivået på senatet er, jo kortere blir byggetiden.
2 Agora Agora Agoran er mer eller mindre midtpunktet i landsbyen din. Ved Agoraen kan du danne deg et overblikk over dine tropper innenfor og utenfor din by. Du kan også beundre din by's kulturelle presentasjoner, og planlegge din neste krig med simulatoren (forklares i seksjon 11).
3 Farm Gård Gården forsyner dine arbeidere og tropper med mat. Du blir nødt til å utvide gården for at din by kan vokse. Jo høyere udvidelsesnivået er på gården, jo flere bygninger og tropper kan du ha i byen din. Det er også her du henter ut militser når du trenger det (forklares i neste seksjon).
4 Warehouse Lager I varehuset er plassen hvor ressursene blir lagret inntil du skal bruke dem for bygninger/rekruttering/forskning. Jo høyere nivå det er på varehuset, jo flere ressurser kan den romme. Merk også at varehuset har et hemmelig lager som gjemmer unna noen av ressursene, i tilfelle du blir angrepet av noen som håper på å få med seg noen ressurser.
5 Timber Camp Hogstfelt I den tette skogen utenfor din by er dine skoghuggere i gang med å felle massive trær, som du behøver for å utvide byen din og lage tropper. Jo høyere nivået er på ditt hogstfelt, jo mer trær kan du utvinne.
6 Quarry Steinbrudd I steinbruddet hugger dine arbeidere sten, det er viktig for din by's utvikling. Jo højere nivå på steinbruddet, jo flere stein blir produsert.
7 Silver mine Sølvgruve I sølvgruven bryter dine medarbeidere ut det dyrebare sølvet, som brukes til å lage dine sølvmønter. Jo høyere nivå på gruven, jo flere sølvmønter lages.

Krav: Hogstfelt nivå 3

8 Barracks Kaserne I kasernen kan du rekruttere vanlige tropper og mytiske enheter. Jo høyere nivå på kasernen, jo hurtigere kan du trene opp nye tropper.

Krav: Senat nivå 2, Gård nivå 3, Hogstfelt nivå 4, Sølvgruve nivå 1

9 Academy Akademi Du kan utføre forskning i Akademiet. Grepolis tilbyr deg forskjellige teknologier, som kan styrke dine tropper, gjøre dine byggerier mere effektive, eller gi deg nye kamp teknikker. Jo høyere nivå på ditt akademi, jo flere teknologier kan du oppdage.

Krav: Senat nivå 8, Gård nivå 6, Kaserne nivå 5

10 City Wall Bymur Muren beskytter byen mot fiendtlige tropper. Den forbedrer ditt jord forsvar og øker dine troppers forsvarsverdi.

Merk at du også kan se hvor mange tropper du har utslettet med å klikke på muren.

Krav: Senat nivå 7, Steinbrudd nivå 8

11 Cave Hule I hulen kan spioner spionere på fiendens byer. Du kan også gjemme sølv her for å betale for deres tjenester. Jo høyere nivået er på hulen, jo mer sølv kan den lagre. Når hulen er helt utvidet er der ingen grense.

Krav: Senat nivå 9, Lager nivå 5

12 Harbor Havn Havnen er der hvor du utvider din flåte. Her kan du bygge transportbåter og krigs skip. Hvor fort arbeiderene gjør skipet ferdig, kommer ann på nivået på havnen.

Krav: Senat nivå 14, Hogstfelt nivå 15, Sølvgruve nivå 10

13 Temple Tempel I templet, kan du tilbe en Gud etter eget valg. Hver av Grepolis gudene gir forskellige guddommelige evner og bringe forskjellige mytiske enheter til live for å hjelpe deg. For begge kreves det at du har guddommelige fordeler, og det genereres ved å tilbe din valgte gud i templet. Jo høyere nivå på templet des mer guddommelige krefter vil du bli gitt av gudene.

Krav: Senat nivå 15, Steinbrudd nivå 12, Bymur nivå 6

14 Marketplace Marked Markedet gir deg mulighet for å sende råstoffer til andre spillere og handle med andre landsbyer i spillet.

Krav: Senat nivå 12, Lager nivå 6, Hule nivå 5

Det er forskjellige måter å bygge og oppgradere landsbyer, men den vanligste måten blir gjort via senatet. I senatet kan du se bygningene på samme måte som at du får en fin oversikt over hvilke krav som trengs. F.eks for å kunne bygge sølvgruve trenger du hogstfelt nivå 3.

Oppgradering av bygninger gir deg fordeler og muligheter til å bygge større og bedre enheter. F.eks oppgradering av akademiet vil gi deg muligheten til å forske på nye og forskjellige forskninger. For å oppgradere en bygning er det viktig at du møter alle kravene som er for å oppgradere (som forklart over), men nok ledig befolkning og ressurser er også viktig. Alt du da trenger å gjøre er og klikke på bygningen i senatet.

Merk at konstruksjonen kan ta litt tid. Du kan også legge til en annen bygning sånn at byggingen av den bygningen starter så snart den andre er ferdig. Og her gjelder det å være tålmodig! Bygningene vil fortsette å bygge selv om du måtte være frakoblet om du har det liggende i kø.

Les mer:

Denne linken viser deg til oversikten over bygningene sånn at du kan lese mer om dem.

Hva burde du gjøre nå:

Ikke stopp farmingen! Farm for å få flere og flere ressurser sånn at du kan bygge flere og flere bygninger. Du burde ha som mål å komme deg til sølvgruve så raskt som overhodet mulig (krav: hogstfelt nivå 3), samt fortsette å jobbe med dine miner litt (nivå 3-6). Prøv å bygge minene dine etter hva du trenger; f.eks om du trenger mer stein oppgraderer du den et nivå. Men der igjen, dersom du farmer ofte og mye burde det ikke ta lang tid før du har dette i orden. Deretter burde du ha som mål å bygge opp gård og farm, sånn at du kan bygge kaserne.

Bra bygging: Senat: Nivå 2/3; Gård: Nivå 3; Lager: Nivå 2; Hogstfelt: Nivå 4; Sølvgruve: Nivå 3; Steinbrudd: Nivå 5; Kaserne: Nivå 1;


"Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defense" - Alcaeus

Akkurat nå burde du være på slutten av din nybegynnerbeskyttelse (beskyttelsen du får når du først joiner en verden). Derfor er det viktig at du bygger opp noen tropper sånn at du kan forsvare deg selv fra andre spillere, men også for å dominere dem og angripe dem på sin hjemmebane.

Osl112's beste tips:

En spiller kan ha 500 poeng eller 3000 poeng, men uten tropper kan man ikke utgjøre så veldig mye krigsmessig. Derfor må du alltid sørge for at du har en rikelig bunke med tropper.

Husk også at du ikke må bli skremt av poengene til en spiller. Kun pga at dem har masse poeng, betyr ikke det at dem har masse tropper.

På Grepolis er det forskjellige typer enheter og hver av dem har dine fordeler og ulemper. Noen enheter er bra når du skal angripe, og andre er gode til forsvar. Vær sikker på at du velger tropper nøye! Under her vil du se en tabell med alle troppene, og deres statistikker. Ikke bli trist om du ikke skjønner helt 100 % hva som menes, da dette vil bli diskutert seinere. Alle disse troppene kan bli bygget i en kaserne (med unntak av milits, og de fleste av dem krever at dem har blitt forsket på først (forklares i neste seksjon).

Ikon Navn på enhet Beskrivelse Verdier
Militia Milits Militser er en spesiell enhet som ikke kan rekrutteres via kasernen. I stedet kan du finne militser i gården. Ved å tilkalle militser via gården går du med på å halvere produksjonen av ressursene i 3 timer for å få militser (10 per nivå på gården, flere med forskning).

You cannot use militia as a unit as such. You cannot attack or control militia. However, militia will guard your village for 3 hours. After these 3 hours, your militia will go back to work. You do not lose or use any population with militia.

0 Wood N/A Attack
0 Stone 6 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
0 Silver 8 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
0 Population 4 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Swordsman Swordsman Swordsmen are a slow, defensive unit covered with heavy armor. They are available early in the game and are effective at defending against ranged units. However, they are not a good unit to attack with due to their speed and attack. 95 Wood 5 Attack (Blunt)
0 Stone 14 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
85 Silver 8 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
1 Population 30 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Slinger Slinger Slingers are a great, cheap offensive unit. In large numbers, they can make a great attack force. They also have a respectable speed. However, despite this, they are very weak in defence. 55 Wood 23 Attack (Ranged)
100 Stone 7 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
40 Silver 8 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
1 Population 2 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Archer Archer Archers have a relatively good speed and can carry some resources back from the villages they pillage. However, they do not have a good attack; they are mainly a defensive unit. They are quite strong against Hoplites. 120 Wood 8 Attack (Ranged)
0 Stone 6 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
75 Silver 25 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
1 Population 12 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Hoplite Hoplite Hoplites are a slow, sharp-weapon unit with pretty good all round statistics. They have a good attack and a decent defence. They are often compared to a slower version of Chariots, though Hoplites are somewhat cheaper and don't use up as much population. 0 Wood 16 Attack (Sharp)
75 Stone 18 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
150 Silver 12 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
1 Population 7 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Horsemen Horsemen Horsemen are a very strong offence unit with a fast speed and the ability to carry a lot of resources from other players villages. However, they are quite expensive and have a very poor defence against sharp weapon units. They also have some high requirements, though they are worth it when you get them. 240 Wood 55 Attack (Blunt)
120 Stone 18 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
360 Silver 1 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
3 Population 24 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Chariot Chariot Chariots are a fast, mixed unit. They have a good attack (not as good per population compared to Hoplites) and an unmatched defence against blunt units. 200 Wood 56 Attack (Sharp)
440 Stone 76 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
320 Silver 15 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
4 Population 56 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon
Catapult Catapult Catapults are another special unit. They always lead going into battle and reduce the level of enemy walls. They also kill any troops that get within its range. However, they are very slow. 1200 Wood 100 Attack (Ranged)
1200 Stone 30 Defence against a unit with a blunt weapon
1200 Silver 30 Defence against a unit with a sharp weapon
15 Population 30 Defense against a unit with a ranged weapon

Don't worry if you don't know what each of the attack/defence values mean, as they will be explained in a minute. As said before, these can be built in the barracks:


Osl112's Top Tip:

On the overview, you may notice a + sign in the box that shows the unit information. By pressing this, you can show the statistics of the selected unit. You may also notice a + up by the list of units. By clicking this, you will be able to see all the units.

To build units, you choose the unit type you want, move the slider or type in the amount til you get what you want and then click the tick. This should then appear at the bottom of the window until they have been trained.

All these troops are good, though to properly rule the seas and attack players on other islands, you will need a navy. Each ship built through the Harbor has its advantages too; some ships transport other units whilst others escort and fight other naval ships. Again, be careful choosing the correct naval units for the job you want them to do.

Icon Unit Name Description Values
Transportboat Transport Boat Transport boats are the main way of getting troops from one island to another. They remain at the back of the battle, protected by all the other ships. 500 Wood 7 Population
500 Stone 20 Attack
400 Silver 1 Defence
Bireme Bireme Biremes are an extremely strong defence unit which can hold out well. They are great for protecting your precious harbor. 800 Wood 8 Population
700 Stone 24 Attack
100 Silver 160 Defence
Light Ship Light Ship Light ships are a great offence naval unit which can easily infiltrate and destroy enemy ships. 800 Wood 10 Population
300 Stone 200 Attack
1300 Silver 60 Defence
Fire Ship Fire Ship Fire Ships are naval units that can only be used by the defender. They are your last line of defence. When being attacked, your Fire Ship destroys one enemy ship, while destroying itself in the process. 500 Wood 8 Population
750 Stone 20 Attack
150 Silver 1 Defence
Fast transport ship Fast Transport Boat Fast transport ships can also carry units to other islands (similar to the Transport Boat), but they are much faster as they carry less units. 800 Wood 5 Population
0 Stone 20 Attack
400 Silver 1 Defence
Trireme Trireme Triremes are an expensive naval unit which is great both in offence and defence. 2000 Wood 16 Population
1300 Stone 180 Attack
900 Silver 250 Defence
Colony ship Colony Ship Colony Ships are an integral part of any empire. These precious colony ships are needed in order to take over another players village or get another city, so they are a must have. 10000 Wood 170 Population
10000 Stone 0 Attack
10000 Silver 500 Defence

These naval units are built in the harbor in a similar way to that of how you build them in the barracks:


There are a third type of unit, but those will be explained in a later section.

Please note: The above tables do not show carrying capacity or speed (both of which will be explained a little later on).

Read More:

This portal will link to all the unit pages, so that you may learn more about them.

Strategy (Offense or Defense)

Now that you know what each unit does, this is a perfect time to discuss strategy. Most experienced players always choose a strategy for each village. Some strategies are quite advanced and wacky, although for their first village they mainly choose between 2 strategies, offence or defence.

Why choose a strategy? Mainly, its because it is hard to have an effective hybrid (offence and defence mixed) village in Grepolis. You can have one with no problem, though strategically, it wouldn't be able to overthrow huge armies in offence or defence and will struggle to get you far. Specialising your village however either in offence or defence will mean maximum effectiveness against armies of the opposite type.

So, the two strategies. Offence first. If you aim to build an offence village, concentrate on building offence units such as Slingers and Horses, as well as refraining from using defence units such as archers. Naval units should be transport ships (to move troops to different islands) and light ships for the best attack.

Meanwhile, in a defence village, you should train defensive units such as archers, swords and chariots, whilst staying away from horses and slingers. Naval units should be transport ships (to move troops to different islands to support allies) and biremes.

You may also later on wish to build your village buildings differently. For example, building a wall to a high level 20 or so to get maximum defence effectiveness, or barracks to build troops more quickly. Its all your choice!

Unit Values

You may have seen in the above table all those values for attack/defence. The following table will explain what each thing means:

Icon Name Description
Att hack.png Attack (Land Unit) This denotes a units attack; the higher the value, the more attack the unit has.
Def hack.png Defence against Blunt This denotes a units defence against an attacking unit with a blunt weapon. The higher the value, the better the defence is.
Def pierce.png Defence against Sharp This denotes a units defence against an attacking unit with a sharp weapon. The higher the value, the better the defence is.
Def distance.png Defence against Ranged This denotes a units defence against an attacking unit with a ranged weapon. The higher the value, the better the defence is.
Booty icon.png Loot This is the amount of total resources that 1 of that unit can loot. Note this isn't shown on the above tables.
Speed.png Speed This is the speed of the unit. The higher the amount, the faster the unit. Note this is not shown on the above tables.
Naval Units

The following only apply to naval units.

Attboat.png Attack (Naval Unit) This is the attack one unit has. The higher the attack, the more damage it deals in attack.
Def.png Defence (Naval Unit) This is the amount of defence one unit has. The higher the defence, the better the unit is defensively.
Transport.png Capacity This is the amount of land units one ship can carry. Note this is not shown on the above tables.

You may notice that for land units that there are three different types of attack, as well. Let me explain.

Each unit has one of three weapons, blunt, ranged and sharp with which it attacks. Every unit also has three defence figures, which show how effective each type of weapon is against it. So, for example, if a slinger, which has a ranged weapon, attacked a sword, it would use the swords ranged defence figure.

Don't worry, you won't need to necessarily know that although it is helpful.

What to do now:

Again, continue farming when you can. Using your barracks, try to build up enough swords (no matter if you have a defence or offence strategy, as it is the only troop you can build as so far) to conquer a new farming village. This will improve your income!

As for buildings, the next things you go for is the Academy, although you should be able to get the Wall and the Cave along the way. You should also remember that:

  • You'll need to level up the Barracks, Senate and Farm to get an academy.
  • You should continue to level up your mines to a reasonable level (level 7-10) or maybe a little higher if you aren't able to farm too often
  • You should keep upgrading the warehouse to store a reasonable amount of resources

Keep going and you'll be there in no time.


"Wisdom outweighs any wealth." - Sophocles

You may notice that a number of units were mentioned, though yet you can only build one type? So how do you get the other units? The answer is by researching them through the Academy:


There are many different type of researches. Some mean you can build different units (note that in order to build some of these new units, you'll need to have your barracks above a certain level), some will give you little bonuses (such as Diplomacy, which lowers farming village danger) and others will grant you access to different abilities.

There are 32 researches over all, which would be one long table! So, in order the explain them properly, they have been ordered out like the view in the academy. Click on one to find out more about it.

   v  d  
1     ·     · 4     ·     · 7     ·     · 10     ·     · 13     ·     · 16     ·     · 19     ·     · 22     ·     · 25     ·     · 28     ·     ·
Hurtig transportskip
Krev tropper
Demokrati (kun erobringsverdener)

Each research requires normal resources and a certain academy level; for example, Hoplites are only available to research after the academy is level 4. Each research also requires an expendable resource, called Research Points.

To research the technologies/researches, once you have the requirements, you need to click on the arrow in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail of the research you want. It will then appear on the queue at the bottom.

Research Points

Research points snapshot.png

Research points are a resource which is earned and used in the academy. Each academy level gives you 4 more research points to use to obtain a research of your choice. Seeing as there are 30 academy levels, you have the opportunity to get up to 120 research points. Be careful though, once you research something, it is rather hard to get rid of it so therefore be careful what you spend these points on.

What to do now:

Farming should be a given now! Continue farming...

Look at some of the early researches you may want, for example Slingers or Archers. Then, once you have got one of these two units, build up a stockpile of them to try to conquer another farming village. Remember, for the 4th farming village you will need to beat 60 slingers and have a minimum of 40 troops in your village. Don't forget you are close to the end of beginners protection, so you may want to build up a good amount of troops to defend yourself with.

As for buildings, keep pushing the mines up gradually to about level 15, or a little higher if you don't farm so much. You should also upgrade your Senate to level 15, giving you access to build those naval units. Keep going to some extent on the academy, as well, as it is vital for progress.

Continue reading; the next section is about other players.

Other Players

"Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripides

You may notice that some of the other players on your island have grown in points, just like you! In Grepolis, you can communicate with, work together with and fight with these other players. Some players will be friendly and may want to work with you, others may be aggressive and want to war with you. It is good to know a balance.


In Grepolis, there are groups of players called Alliances. These players work together to defeat enemies, protect each other and communicate. A good alliance will do this efficently; everyone will communicate and help each other whilst a not so good alliance will be ruthless in getting players and may not help or fight together as they should.

Throughout your build up, you might have got invites from different alliances. Some of these alliances may look good, some may look bad. Always do a little research into them first to see what their average points are, rank and so on. Just because they have a lot of players or have a high rank, doesn't mean they are good!

Osl112's Top Tip:

Always look into alliances and research them. Remember some basic rules:

  • Just because an alliance has a top rank, it doesn't mean they are good!
  • Good alliances will usually send you a message as well as asking you some questions
  • Don't forget, if you don't like the inside of an alliance, you can leave!

So, key rules for a good alliance:

  • Lots of activity in the alliance forum
  • Leaders respond well to the players
  • A good balance of diplomacy (too much diplomacy is not good, although a little can save you from being attacked; bear this in mind as all too often leaders ally too many alliances)
  • Suitable and responsible recruitment

Of course, there are many more points and the list could go on forever, although those are the dead basics.

You can also create your own alliance, though I only recommend this once you are a little more experienced.

Read More:

This guide (also written by myself, Osl112) is your key to learning how to lead.

Once you are in an alliance, you may notice that some of the villages change colour! This is because your alliance has diplomatic relations with these other alliances. Look out especially if they are red because that means they are enemies!


You may trade resources in Grepolis with either other players (through the Marketplace), farming villages (through them and the marketplace) and the Phoenician Trader! However, be sure to get a good deal as if you don't, you could be left a little out of pocket!

Trading is quite fundamental later in the game too, as you can move your resources to other villages that need the resources most.

Trading With Other Players

To trade with other players, you must have a marketplace level 5, or level 10 to trade with players on other islands. In the marketplace, you can create offers to trade a certain amount of one resource for a certain amount of another, or alternatively, accept another players offer. You don't have to do a complete offer either, you can do a part exchange of resources too. Note that this isn't instant and it will take time for the resources to be transported to your village.

However, bear this is mind:

  • The lower the ratio, the better the deal for you!

If you see an offer you like, it is as easy as clicking the tick! Alternatively, press the down arrow when you scroll over the offer to do a part offer.

Trading With Farming Villages

You can also trade with farming villages. Every farming village can trade a certain resource for another resource at a starting ratio of 1:1.25, although this will decrease as you trade more with the farming village. However, it does replenish over time.

For trading with farming villages, bear this in mind:

  • The higher the ratio, the better the deal is for you!

To get this overview, click on the farming village you wish to trade with and then press the trade button. You may only trade with the farming village if its mood is over 80%.

Trading With Velerios (The Phoenician Trader)

The last method of trading is through Velerios, the Phoenician Trader. In order for him to visit your village, you need to have a harbor.

Every 24 hours, the Phoenician Trader will visit one of your villages and offer different trades (which vary daily). By clicking on his ship when it arrives, you may see what trades he has to offer. Each day, he'll have the option to trade one resource for another, or silver for a set amount of troops.


To take an offer, move the slider to where you want and then click the tick. After you have finished or after 8 hours, he will be whisked away, returning in another 24 hours.

Read More:

Learn more about the Phoenician Trader


Using the Cave, you may use silver to spy on other players villages and troops, as well as defend yourself from espionage.


In the cave, you can store up silver in defence or preparation for an espionage attack. Each cave level will let you store 1000 more silver, with a level 10 cave allowing you to store an infinite amount of silver. Remember that whatever you put into the cave cannot be put back into your current resource supply in the warehouse.

Sending a spy is simple. All you need to do is find the village you wish to spy on and click the espionage button (denoted by a hooded figure). Then you must choose the amount of silver you will pay the spy (1000 is the minimum) and send him on his way to the enemy village.

There is a single factor which determines whether a spy is successful or not. The amount in the enemy players cave. If the amount in the enemy cave is higher than what was sent with the spy, you won't get a spy report as well as the enemy player getting a spy report saying that you have spied on his/her village. The amount you sent with your spy will also get subtracted with that players spy.

If your spy was successful, you will get a report identifying what level buildings, what troops and other information about the enemy players village.

Osl112's Top Tip:

Don't take a spy report for complete granted. It only gives a spy report of what was in the village at that moment, not what belongs to the village. Some troops may be out attacking or supporting another village, so bear this in mind.

There are technologies that can change the result of an espionage, Cryptography and Espionage (Tech). It is a good idea to research these as they can be the difference between getting and not getting a battle report.

The Battle System

Battling is a key part of Grepolis and at times, it can be so unpredictable due to the number of factors involved! A single battle can win or lose a conflict with another player, or even win or lose a war! Working with others in your alliance is key in Grepolis, as it could be support from them that saves you from an entourage of attacks.

Multiple factors effect the outcome of a battle, whether you are attacking or defending. These include:

  • Small Premium Advantages (explained in section 10.1)
  • Technologies (such as Phalanx)
  • Buildings such as the Wall, which help the defending player
  • Whether a Divine Power (explained in section 9) has been enacted on the attack
  • What units are involved (the most obvious one)
  • Luck, a randomly generated variable which sways 30% in your, or the other players favour
  • Morale (explained in section 2)

and more.

Osl112's Top Tip:

Spying on a village to see what they have in terms of some of these factors is always a good idea, though make sure it is good as an unsuccessful spy could leave your plans to attack exposed.

There are also different types of attack as well as the ability to support. Attacks, such as breakthrough make transport ships more likely to reach the village whilst sacrificing some naval ships attack. The ability to support allows you to transport troops ahead of an attack to defend an allies village. Note though that you cannot move your troops around whilst in that village.

The Agora is the rally point in your city. In the Agora, you can see what troops are outside your village, which troops are supporting other villages (you can withdraw troops through the simulator too) as well as a simulator which estimates losses against certain units.

Osl112's Top Tip:

The simulator is a superb tool for predicting the outcome of a battle and be sure to use it often. However, don't expect to get that outcome in the actual battle, as other factors which can't be predicted will come into play, such as luck. It will be similar, but not exactly the same.

Attacking is easy. Simply click on the attack tab/button after selecting the village you wish to attack. Then, choose which units you wish to attack with, select an attack type at the bottom (if you have researched others) and click send. The units may take some time to get there, in which the player may choose to call for support from allies. You can support in a similar way to attack, but with clicking support instead of attack. You are able to cancel an attack up to 10 minutes after the attack was sent.

If players are clear and have no troops in (and if they are inactive), you can use their villages as another form of resource income. By sending troops with a good loot capacity (such as horses), you can gain a good amount of resources easily. However, be warned, you could lose troops if the enemy village enacts Militia, has built up troops or even if the village is empty, you may lose a couple of troops just because some pesky citizen of the other village might have got the better of a unit.

Being Attacked?

If you are being attacked, do not fear. There are a number of things you can do to stop the enemy.

  • Communicate with your alliance and try to get support. You can also call upon your alliance to launch a counter attack.
  • Build up your wall level so that the defence of your village is greatly improved.
  • Use divine powers (explained in section 9) to weaken the attack.
  • Activate Militia
  • Build up defensive troops in an attempt to defend

One tactic is to dodge your troops whilst spending all of your resources so that the enemy doesn't kill all the troops you are building up as well as not taking any resources. This is aptly named dodging. To do this, send your troops away just before the enemy attack arrives. Then press cancel (by scrolling over the attack using the attack overview and pressing cancel) so that your troops just miss the enemy attack and thus aren't hurt in the process. This allows you to build much larger armies without losing troops each time you are attacked.

However, the main thing to remember is not to panic. It isn't the end of the world and with farming, you can rebuild quickly and swiftly. If you are being attacked repetitively, use this guide.

If you think you are being conquered (someone is taking your city), please read "Being Conquered" in section 11.

What to do now:

Continue farming. Keep building a good amount of troops to attack players with or defend against. If beginners protection has ended, you may now attack players to get more resources but be careful who you attack; use your simulator and look up the alliance to see if they might fight back with severe force.

As for buildings, keep going. Expand your mines a little more (level 20-22 or higher if you don't farm a lot), expand your Warehouse to a good level (level 8-12) and expand all other buildings. Now is the time to get the final two main buildings, so build up the requirements for the Temple and Marketplace and build them. If building the requirements for these buildings get a little slow, build up your Senate too.

By now, you should be looking at one objective to get another village! For this, you will need a warehouse of level 20 (with the technology Ceramics), an academy of 28 and a harbor of level 20. Keep this in mind that these three buildings are key.

The Gods

"As god disposes man laughs or weeps". - Sophocles

In Grepolis, you can worship Greek Gods to gain access to their powers and special units that you may only build whilst in their worship. You also have a new resource, called divine favor.

Divine favor is obtained depending on the level of the temple. The higher the level of the temple, the more divine favour you may earn per hour. However, no matter what level the temple is, the maximum amount of divine favor you can collect from all cities is 500. Divine favor is used in every spell as well as all mythical units.

There are 5 gods to choose from and they are as follows:



God of the Sky



God of the Sea



God of Wisdom



God of Family


Hades (2.0)

God of the Underworld

You may choose which god you worship through the temple.

Each god has 4 unique spells, called Divine Powers which can be used in different situations. Each spell effects a different thing; some instantly give you a set amount of resources, some give you an extra amount of resources over a period of set time and others can strengthen or weaken attacks!

Osl112's Top Tip:

Be sure to research each God carefully (you can click the gods in the table above), as some may have divine powers or units that will benefit you more than others. There is no right or wrong answer to which god you choose in your first village.

Each god also has 2 mythical units, which are built using divine favour and regular resources. These resources are far superior to normal units. Some can even fly between islands, meaning transport ships aren't needed to move them between islands!

Mythical Units

Mythical units have three requirements: enough divine favour, enough resources and a specific temple level. If those three are in place, you may build one of these "divine units" through the barracks (with the exception of the Hydra, which is a naval unit and can be built in the harbour). Below are the tables outlining the mythical units.


Zeus' Mythical Units


Minotaurs are huge creatures, half human, half bull. They strike with powerful blows using an axe. Their toughness makes them a difficult enemy to overcome. 1400 Wood.png
600 Stone.png
3100 Silver.png
202 Favor.png


Manticores have a head of a lion, the wings of a dragon and the tail of a scorpion. They plunge from the sky, grab their prey with their claws and sting them with their infamous poisonous stinger. Manticores can fly to other islands without transport ships. 4400 Wood.png
3000 Stone.png
3400 Silver.png
405 Favor.png


Poseidon's Mythical Units


Cyclops are one-eyed giants who throw large boulders at their foes. They can be defended against with sharp weapons. 2000 Wood.png
4200 Stone.png
3360 Silver.png
360 Favor.png


There is no wave, no storm, no enemy than a seafarer fears more than a hydra. The nine-headed monster rises from the water, crushes entire ships with its mouths and devours its crew. 5400 Wood.png
2800 Stone.png
3800 Silver.png
400 Favor.png


Athena's Mythical Units


A centaur is a proud warrior with the body of a horse. It quickly gallops past enemies, shoots precise arrows and swiftly disappears. Centaurs are great defending against sharp weaponry. 1740 Wood.png
300 Stone.png
700 Silver.png
100 Favor.png


A pegasus is a winged horse that plunges at its enemies from the high sky. Its joyful appearance fools enemies, luring them into a false sense of security. Pegasi can fly to other islands without transport ships. 2800 Wood.png
360 Stone.png
80 Silver.png
180 Favor.png


Hera's Mythical Units


Many farmers report that certain creatures plunge from the sky on the occasional stormy day. They are half woman, half bird; grasping their prey from the sky at lightning speed before disappearing just as fast. Harpies do not require transport ships to travel from one island to the next. 1600 Wood.png
400 Stone.png
1360 Silver.png
130 Favor.png


No matter how brave, every warrior that stares directly into the eyes of Medusa will feel his arms and legs go rigid. This snake headed creature will then smash the statue of the petrified warrior. 1500 Wood.png
3800 Stone.png
2200 Silver.png
210 Favor.png


Hades' Mythical Units


Armed with sharp teeth, this three headed dog guards the gate to the underworld. If anyone dares to sneak past him, Cerberus will bury his teeth deep into the trespassers skin, leaving him in agony. No one has got passed him alive. 1125 Wood.png
1350 Stone.png
2700 Silver.png
230 Favor.png


Erinyes are the dreadful daughters of Hades and Persephone. Goddesses of vengeance, they fight mercilessly to avenge the dead. Poisonous blood drips from their eyes, horrifying screams drive opponents to insanity. These beasts are a feared foe. 2250 Wood.png
4500 Stone.png
4500 Silver.png
480 Favor.png

Please note: the above tables do not include attack, defence, speed or loot values.

Changing God

If you don't like the current God you have for your village, you may change it through the temple. However, this will wipe out all the favour you have, as well as instantly getting rid of all the mythical units in your village. As well as this, you cannot support a village that is worshipping another God with your Gods units; you may only support the same God with the same God's units.

What to do now:

Continue farming... it may seem repetitive but it does give you a great supply of resources. You may also consider Booty, which will double the resources as well as doubling the time for replenishment.

Buildings. Keep pumping up everything; the Farm for more population, the Academy to try and get to your aim as well as your Harbor and Warehouse. You may also wish to expand other buildings a little for the benefits they may offer, such as the Temple for these mythical units. The mines shouldn't be expanded much more at this point.

You should almost be building troops of your preference up almost constantly. Try to have over 500 (or more) in total. They should be different types, too. You should also build up some Transport Ships and other ships of your choice as well. Also, research if you wish.

Remember the aim: another village. To get another village, you require the researches Colony Ship and Conquest, which are available at level 22 and 28 in the academy.

Furthering the Game

"Success is dependent on effort." - Sophocles

There are many ways you can further the game, to make it fun for you and to get more involved with Grepolis' thriving community. You'll be meeting like-minded players, experienced players and new friends. You may also further the game with the use of premium, to grant you access to new overviews and little bonuses.

Gold & Premium

In the Premium menu, you have the opportunity to use gold for small in game advantages. These advantages could be a new overview, or even a bonus to your resource production.

There are 5 advisers you can acquire the help of, each helping out a different way. Every adviser grants you different bonuses so be sure to check out the features of all of them. All of the advisers cost 100 gold and last for 14 days on the world you are playing. They are activated through the premium menu (be sure to click if you want them to automatically extend or not).


The administrator offers you new overviews that you can use to easily manage your city. This includes a quickbar, which gives you key links (which you can personalise) to key pages on the main overview.

He also grants you access to the notepad, in which you can write notes as well as links to other players/alliances if ever you need to remember something.


The merchant grants you to 30% extra resource production through your resource buildings. It is handy whether you are on Grepolis a lot or a little.

High Priestess

The high priestess has a good relationship with the gods. She works with them and your temple, offering you 50% more favour production. As well as this, she helps mythical units train, giving them a 20% strength bonus.


This experienced commander will motivate your troops and lead them into more tactical strategies. His high regard among the other troops gives them a 20% bonus in battle, meaning that they fight stronger.


The captain is experienced amongst seafarers and knows how to get through a stormy day on the seas. He has battled in many fights and knows how to win. His valuable enhancement gives your ships more tactical ability and for that reason, they fight 20% stronger.

The captain also has a great ability to plan. By getting him, you may plan through the attack planner; a superb method of organising attacks. You may share this with allies too, so that you can work together more efficiently.

Other Bonuses

There are many types of bonuses, most of which speed certain aspects of the game up.

  • Building/Research Times can be cut by half (20 gold for each research/building)
  • Summoning of the Phoenician Trader instantly (50 gold)
  • Olympics can be ran through the Agora (you'll find out more about this later, 50 gold)

Getting Gold

There are a number of ways to get gold. The first of which is by buying it! It isn't too expensive and can be made to last as long as you wish. There are a number of ways of buying it too; for example by credit card, Paypal, SMS and even Ukash!

The other ways are for free, yet require you to do certain activities. You can use SponsorPay (select SponsorPay on the menus), in which by partaking in anything, such as a free survey, to buying a sponsors item, to trialling something you can gain free gold! It really is as simple as that.

The last way is by referring your friends! For each friend that gets over 1000 points which you enlist, you get 200 gold! It is as simple as that! You could also link your friend to this guide so that he can get guidance to 1000 points and beyond, if you wish ;). To get to your referral links, click "Earn Free Gold" at the bottom of the premium menu.


Another way of enhancing the game for you is by joining the forums. The forums are a superb way to chill out with similar Grepolis players. There, you may share your views, debate on a number of topics or even play a game or two, the list is endless.

It is also a vital way of getting news on your world. For every world, there is a world forum where you may discuss a number of in game topics or even find out about the latest wars declared. You never know what may be happening in your world until you check out the forums!

Osl112's Top Tip:

Be sure to follow the forum rules.

The forums are full of friendly characters though if you ever come under a spot of bother, report the post or talk with a mod; because we are friendly people too!

So sign up today and check out your world today. Get views from the experienced while spreading your own. It is the best way of being heard. And if you are wondering where to start, why not comment on what you think of this guide or show your appreciation?

Read More:

Grepolis Forums

Guide to the Forums


You may come across some terminology on the forums that you may not be so familiar with. Here is a list of the common terms, with another link to more abbreviations you may come across.

def - defense/defensive (eg. an archer is a def unit).

off - offense/offensive (eg. cavalry is an off unit).

def city - A city with only defensive units.

off city - A city with only offensive units.

farm vill - A farming village

res - Resources.

prem - Premium

BP - Beginners protection, the first few days after joining a world when you cannot be attacked.

BP - BP can also mean battle points which are gained from killing enemy units.

BPA - Battle points attack, BP gained from attacking.

BPD - Battle points defense, BP gained from defending.

Grepo - Grepolis. Also abbreviated to GP.

Wiki - The Wiki (where you are now)!

Inno - An abbreviation of InnoGames, the company which makes Grepolis.

Read More:

Learn more Grepolis Terms

What to do now:

You are very close to becoming a superb Grepolis player, yet one of the hardest tasks lies ahead. This is Colonising and Conquering. Oh, and keep farming

It is time to prepare your village ready for battle. By now, you should have lots of troops; and don't stop now. Keep building your Farm level up so that you can handle the population increases. By conquering, your farm should be in the mid-late 20/early 30 levels.

You shouldn't need to upgrade your resource buildings, but if you must, do it by a level. However, by now you should know what you want to build, though mainly concentrate on getting your Warehouse to level 20, Harbor to level 20 and Academy to level 28.

You are close, keep working towards those Colony Ship and Conquest researches; patience is key as they take a while to save up for and get to!


"The art of living well and the art of dying well are one." - Epicurus

By now, your village should be built up quite well and fully functioning. You should have many troops at your hands and many buildings which all serve different purposes. You may have fought many battles on your land as well as others. However, now is the time for the next key step in expanding your empire, getting a new city.

There are many reasons why you should get another city. Cities can only expand so far and hold a certain amount of population; in order to train more troops and have more different strategy cities, it is key to get another city. As well as this, it is a good idea to spread yourself across the oceans in order to be a dominant figure.

There are different ways of getting another city as well. Some are harder than others, but those that often involve heavy fighting will get larger cities. These methods are Colonising, Conquering a Ghost and Conquering a Player.

Which method do you choose?

Colonising: Colonising is the process in which you establish a brand new city in an empty space (denoted by a grey flag. There are many advantages, which include not having to build your academy as much, only having to research colony ship and the fact you will not loose any troops by doing so. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, as you'll only get a small city at the start and if you choose to colonise on a small, uninhabited island, you will not be able to farm.

Osl112's Top Tip:

Personally, I never colonise for my second village. Its a waste of time building up a whole new village from scratch when you can get much bigger villages. However, it is completely up to you, though tend to steer away from this early option.

Conquering a Ghost: Conquering a ghost is the process where you take over an abandoned village. Again, there are many advantages, such as not necessarily needing so many troops. However, the problem with conquering a ghost is that these "ghosts" maybe few and far between. Finding a large (3000+ point) ghost maybe even harder, so if you wish to conquer a ghost, look hard. Note that a ghost may still have left over troops in it, as well as not forgetting that these ghosts degrade over time, so don't think this is an easy option.

Conquering a Player Village: This is the hardest option, yet the most rewarding in the bounty you may gain (a huge new village and some battle points (points you gain from killing troops)). The big villages you could take ownership of are the key advantage though by doing so you risk furious battles and war (although it is fun).

It is a good idea to find a target whilst looking at these options.


There are many different villages to go for? Which one do you choose?

Firstly, colonising. You can colonise wherever you see a grey banner which maybe on another inhabited island or on one of those smaller islands. However, bear in mind that these smaller islands do not have farming villages and that you cannot farm from them. If you do wish to colonise, look for a grey banner in close proximity, try to get a polis close to allies and go for a big inhabited island rather than a small uninhabited island so that you can farm.

However, if you are looking for villages rather than banners, you'll need to scoot around a lot to find a good size village. If you are looking for a ghost (in the hope there is one near), use the mini map to locate grey dots and then investigate. If you are looking for player village, use the normal map and scroll around.

Osl112's Top Tip:

There are a number of third party tools which can help you find your next polis. Check out Grepolis Victim Finder and Greutlis.

The perfect target would be a village:

  • With a decent size (definitely above 2500 points, preferably above 4000, though these expectations may change with others)
  • Not owned by a larger Alliance or player (you don't want a diplomatic argument)
  • Too far away or on the same island as you (1-2 islands away from you is good)

This criteria is usually a good one to follow. What you don't want is a 1000 point polis right next door to you on the same island, as you may struggle to expand. Although, if a larger village was on the same island as you, it may be a good option to take.

If you can't find a village you want to take in close vicinity, you may need to lower your criteria.

Culture Points

Also, whilst looking at targets, you need to know what Culture Points are. Culture points are effectively used to enhance the culture of your city, allowing you to influence and add more cities to your empire. The culture menu can be found in the last tab of the Agora.

If you have a certain amount of culture points, you can progress a cultural level which means you are able to conquer another city. Without a high enough culture level, you will not be able to influence another city enough to control them!

Culture points can be earned through the Agora a number of ways. You may perform a city festival, with the use of resources and an academy level 30. You may perform an "Olympic Games" event by using 50 Premium Gold and with an academy level 30. You may perform a battle procession, with every 300 battle points you get. Or you can do a theatre play, with a special building (explained in section 12).

You may be worrying if you don't have enough culture points or haven't got one yet. Well, don't; as your cultural level automatically starts at level 2, which allows you to conquer another city.

Read More:

Find out more about Culture here.

Getting the Polis

Getting your next polis will take some strategy and teamwork. Your alliance mates are vital in helping you get your next polis, as they can provide precious support in attacking or defending the polis. It will also require some planning, so that you and your alliance can work efficiently and effectively. You do not want to be on your own, without any idea of the opponents troops or units.

There are two systems for conquering another players village; conquest and revolt. These change on different worlds, so be sure to check on the World Information page so that you can see whether your world is using the revolt or conquest system. Colonising doesn't change; it is the same on both revolt and conquest.

Once you know your target, it is time to conquer! Scroll down to the correct section for you below.


If you have taken the non-violent method of colonising, you will need the Academy level 22, Harbor level 20, a Warehouse level 20 (with ceramics), the technology Colony Ship (which allows you to build a colony ship), a Colony Ship and a high enough cultural level.

To colonise, it is as simple as clicking on the grey banner where you want to colonise. You'll need to send some land units and ships to escort the colony ship (don't forget transport ships to move the units; slingers cannot fly!) and then click establish city. It will take the time to get there plus 24 hours to colonise and create the new village. Then, you may start building it up!

Read More:

Find out more about Colonising here.

Conquering a Ghost

If you wish to conquer a ghost, you will need an Academy level 22, Harbor level 20, a Warehouse level 20 (with ceramics), the technology Colony Ship (which allows you to build a colony ship), a Colony Ship and a high enough cultural level.

To conquer a ghost, it is a good idea to know two key things. The first is that ghosts may still have units in from when the player whose village it was may of had units. The second is that these villages fall apart over time whilst uncontrolled, so that these building levels will continually lower until the village is nothing but ruins. Therefore, it is a good idea to act quick, so that you can save it from any unnecessary destruction and make it into a fully functioning, thriving village.

Conquering a ghost is slightly different to colonising. I advise spying first, as it is a good idea to see if there are any troops left remaining in the village. If there are, bear in mind that you will have to eliminate them.

Otherwise, getting a ghost is as simple as sending your colony ship with your chosen escort of units (land units with transport ships and other ships) to attack the village. Once your troops arrive, the village is yours on a revolt world. However, on a conquest world, you must hold control of that village for 24 hours as you would for a normal conquest.

Conquering a Player (Using Conquest)

First of all, be sure you are using the right method as it changes on different worlds. Revolt is different to conquest significantly! If you are unsure, check on the World Information page.

Conquering a player is dangerous business. The player may call upon support from any number of allies, may have hidden troops or have massive defences. You never know!

Osl112's Top Tip:

There are plenty of great guides on Conquest. Check out more step by step (and more tactical) guides such as this Darksunx guide or this segment from Cronus' guide.

First of all, make sure you have got what is needed. You'll need an Academy level 28, Harbor level 20, Warehouse level 20 (with the research ceramics), the Conquest and Colony Ship researches, a Colony Ship and a high enough culture level.

Your first step should be to spy on the player. This is a definite, so you can see what the player has. Also, it can be a good measure of if this player is going to be a good conquer target or not. Remember the espionage tips though. If you fail at spying, you may have given away that you are planning to conquer him/her!

Following that, it is a good idea to make preparations. If you think you can go through with the conquer (it may not be easy, but when are you ever going to get an easy village), you should mention it to your alliance. Most good alliances have some kind of claiming method so that no one takes another's target. You also should get enough units to take out the village's troops (if you haven't already) and then take them out. This is commonly referred to as clearing. You may wish to do this as close as possible to the Colony Ship attack itself, to be sure you kill all troops.

In conquest, you take control of the city for 24 hours in which time your troops must hold out there. To start this 24 hour period, send your colony ship with a bunch of other units to the city. Bearing in mind that the player might get support, you should try to time a few clearing waves so that they arrive minutes before the colony ship does.

If your colony ship has landed successfully and defeated all enemy troops, your troops have temporary control over the village. Despite this though, you may not build anything. What you have to do during this 24 hour period is defend your colony ship from attack. Do this by supporting the enemy village with troops and asking your alliance members to do the same. If all of the land units or naval units in the village get destroyed, you will lost the colony ship and won't conquer.

If you survive 24 hours, congratulations! You should now have a new city. If you don't survive, there is always another time!

Read More:

Find out more about Conquest here.

Conquering a Player (Using Revolt)

First of all, be sure you are using the right method as it changes on different worlds. Revolt is different to conquest significantly! If you are unsure, check on the World Information page.

Conquering a player is dangerous business. The player may call upon support from any number of allies, may have hidden troops or have massive defences. You never know!

I prefer Revolt worlds more, its just a matter of opinion. Similar to Conquest, make sure you have got what is needed. You'll need an Academy level 28, Harbor level 20, Warehouse level 20 (with the research ceramics), the Conquest and Colony Ship researches, a Colony Ship and a high enough culture level.

Osl112's Top Tip:

There are plenty of great guides on Revolt. Check out Priscilla's Guide.

Similar to conquest, your first step should be spying, if you haven't already done so. This will give you a good idea at how easy/hard it will be to conquer, with the use of the simulator. Also remember the espionage tips.

Following your espionage, it is a good idea to prepare for battle. If you think you can go through with the conquer (it may not be easy, but when are you ever going to get an easy village), you should mention it to your alliance. Most good alliances have some kind of claiming method so that no one takes another's target. You also should get enough units to take out the village's troops (if you haven't already) and then take them out. This is commonly referred to as clearing. You may wish to do this as close as possible to the Colony Ship attack itself, to be sure you kill all troops.

In revolt, you have to send a special revolt attack which then creates (after 12 hours) a revolution in the polis. Once the revolution is created after 12 hours, you have a 12 hour period in which to send the colony ship. If your colony ship arrives in one piece, the polis is yours.

The first step in a revolt is to land a revolt attack. Choose your troops and ships to send, then select Revolt Attack towards the bottom of the screen. You do not need to send your colony ship now! From when the revolt attack lands (and if it lands successfully), the rumours start circling. This will take 12 hours, before the 12 hour period where you can land your colony ship and get the village occurs. You should really attack a couple of times whilst the revolt is being stirred, so that you make sure it is clear.

Osl112's Top Tip:

As well as continually attacking the village, you should also spy a couple of times to see how clear the village is. During this 12 hour period, you should be building up troops and ships as well.

More experienced players will land their colony ship as soon as the period of revolt starts. Make sure your timings are right and try to land your colony ship as early in the second period of 12 hours as possible as otherwise support may build up.

Once your colony ship lands (within the 12 hour period), congrats! If it survived, you should have the polis! If not, better luck next time, keep pushing for that second village.

Read More:

Find out more about Revolt here.

Being Conquered?

If you think you are being conquered, the first key step is not to panic! If you panic, you may make some mistakes which may lead to the loss of your polis. Again, the methods of defending are different in Conquest and Revolt systems. If you don't know what system your world uses, look it up on the World Information page.


Check what signs there are. Have you had your troops wiped out a couple of times? Are there a lot of attacks incoming? Is there a really slow attack incoming? Clever players who are on at the time of the attack can work out from the time of the attack, which is the slowest unit. Try finding out, by using your map and the colony ship icon to see how long it takes for the colony ship to travel.

If you are being attacked, do not worry. Try to get your alliance to help out. Get them to send support just before the colony ship attack arrives and attacks just after the colony ship lands. Keep getting them to attack. If your alliance assists enough, you should be able to push the enemy out of your village.

Read More:

Find out more about defending against a conquest here.


Defending against a revolt is easier than defending against a conquest in my opinion as you have more control of your fate. Again, check what signs there are. Sneaky players may only start a revolt on you to scare you. However, you should take precautions nevertheless if you have a good size village which might be of interest to others.

For revolt, defend it as you would a normal attack. Try and get as much support as you possibly can from your alliance, as well as continue to farm yourself. Build up your walls and stock up on defensive troops, as when the time comes for a colony ship attack, you need to be as well prepared as possible.

Been Conquered?

Do not worry. You can restart the world, starting with the new players in the world. Then you may rebuild your polis and use your knowledge to overwhelm your opponents!


Congratulations, you should now have a new village! Build this up as you choose (using a strategy preferably) and start dominating your world!

What to do now:

There are plenty of things to do now that you have more than one village, as well as some things that would be new to you.


Now that you have a new village, you may notice some new buttons which can be used at the top of your page. These can be used to switch village. Note that the village you are currently controlling is the one that has a circle around it.

Special Buildings

You may have noticed at the bottom of your Senate page that there are little boxes containing buildings all in a row. 4 on the left and 4 on the right. You may build these (one from each side) for little bonuses to make every village different!

You may build one of these:

Icon Name Description
Theater 50x50.png Theatre You may perform theatre plays in the theatre to gain more Culture Points.

Requirements: Senate level 24, Timber Camp level 35, Silver Mine level 30, Academy level 5, Harbor level 5

Thermal 50x50.png Thermal Baths Your village is blessed with good health due to these baths and therefore you are able to hold 10% more population.

Requirements: Senate level 24, Farm level 35, Harbor level 5, Academy level 5

Library 50x50.png Library Your village is able to research more technologies due to this library. You get 12 more research points to use.

Requirements: Senate level 24, Academy level 20, Harbor level 5

Lighthouse 50x50.png Lighthouse This lighthouse greatly improves navigation. Your ships move 15% faster across the oceans.

Requirements: Senate level 24, Harbor level 20, Academy level 5

And you may build one of these:

Icon Name Description
Tower 50x50.png Tower A tower overlooks the town. The defensive strength of the troops in that village is 10% higher than usual.

Requirements: Senate level 21, Wall level 20, Temple level 5, Market level 5

Statue 50x50.png Divine Statue The amount of divine favour produced in your temple is increased.

Requirements: Senate level 21, Temple level 12, Marketplace level 5

Oracle 50x50.png Oracle All enemy spies that visit your village are uncovered with the Oracle.

Requirements: Senate level 21, Cave level 10, Marketplace level 5, Temple level 5

Trade office 50x50.png Merchant's Shop The maximum trade ratio between you and farming villages is greatly increased. The maximum trade capacity is also increased.

Requirements: Senate level 21, Marketplace level 15, Temple level 5

You can build these through the senate as you would any building.


Now that you've conquered your first village, you should have a feel for conquering as well as some new tactics you may have gained from peers or from your own initiative! So, keep growing and gaining more villages so that you can become a god at Grepolis!

World Wonders

Following that, you should also know how the Grepolis worlds end. After six months and the top 50 alliance being large enough, the era of world wonders begins! You must work with your alliance to own every spot on an island, then work with your alliance to build these World Wonders! It may take a little time and you will have attacks coming from everywhere, but thats the fun of it :)

If you want to learn more, please read the World Wonders page.

Final Word

I hope you liked this beginners guide. You should now know a lot about Grepolis; how to play, what everything means and how to advance. Now its up to you to learn the more advanced strategies, tactics as well as meet new friends and play with new people!

So, what did you think of the guide? You may show your appreciation on the forum here, by writing a comment or by giving some reputation here. Oh, and give a rating out of 10 please as well as ways this guide could be improved :)

Thanks for reading! ~Osl112