Nybegynnerguide 3: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner
Linje 111: | Linje 111: | ||
== Teknologier du ikke trenger == | == Teknologier du ikke trenger == | ||
*(4) | *(4) Keramikk - warehouse can store an additional 2500 resources (extra storage unnecessary) | ||
*(6) | *(6) Arkitektur - cost of buildings lowered by 10% (Useless after city is built up) | ||
*(4) | *(4) Heisekran - increases building speed in Senate by 10% (Useless after city is built up) | ||
*(4) | *(4) Meteorologi - foot troops move 10% faster | ||
*(6) Cryptography - an enemy spy will need over 20% more silver than you to succeed | *(6) Cryptography - an enemy spy will need over 20% more silver than you to succeed | ||
*(6) | *(6) Demokrati - it takes only 10% longer for an enemy to conquest one of your cities | ||
*(6) | *(6) Gjennombrudd - enables special attack that will protect more transports in an attack but sacrifice 50% of naval attack power | ||
*(8) | *(8) Trirem - handles both offense and defense but less efficiently | ||
Totalt: (44) pts. | |||
These techs either come far too late in the Academy to really do much good or just aren't worth the cost of the Research Points they require. If you do research them you can remove them at the cost of a culture point each. | These techs either come far too late in the Academy to really do much good or just aren't worth the cost of the Research Points they require. If you do research them you can remove them at the cost of a culture point each. |
Sideversjonen fra 13. sep. 2011 kl. 16:29
Bygging av din landsby
Hver eneste bygning har sine spesifikke egenskaper. For en mer utfyllende liste over hvilke bygninger som gjør hva og maks nivå, vennligst sjekk ut bygninger.
For å kunne konstuere en bygning er du nødt til å være i landsbyoversikten og deretter klikke på sitt Senat. De bygningene du har nok ressurser ledige for å bygge vil bli listet opp her. Klikk på utvid knappen under den bygningen du ønsker å bygge/utvide og konstruksjonen vil deretter starte av seg selv. Ressursene vil automatisk bli trekt fra ditt lager.
- Tips: Dersom du kansellerer et byggeoppdrag vil du få tilbake 90% av de brukte ressursene.
Hva skal du bygge først
- Kaserne sånn at du får sverdmenn til å bruke til farming (trenger senat nivå 4 og gård nivå 4)
- Ressurser, gård og lager for å holde tritt med utviklingen av din landsby
- Bueskyttere sånn at du kan bære flere ressurser etter farming
- Tempel (trenger senat nivå 15, steinbrudd nivå 15 og mur nivå 6) eller markedsplass (trenger senat nivå 12, hule nivå 5 og lager nivå 6).
Farm farm farm! Stopp aldri med farmingen av bondelandsbyer for ressurser. Ta de 6 sverdmennen du opprinnelig får etter at opplæringen er ferdig og bygg kaserne så snart du får muligheten. Fortsett å rekruttere sverdmenn til du har rundt 20. Etter det er det viktig at du jobber med å få tak i bueskyttere siden dem er mye raskere og bærer mer. Ikke glem å oppgradere gården, ressurser og lager etterhvert som du vokser - du trenger nemlig akademi. Ditt hovedmål etter å ha fått bueskyttere er å få tak i hester og hestestridsvogner, samt bygge et tempel eller marked - først en så det andre.
Ikke bygg følgende
- Senat Nivå 25. Det er ikke nødvendig for deg å bygge ut denne bygningen til maks da ingen andre bygninger krever senat nivå 25.
- Ikke maks ut alle dine ressurser. Konsentrer deg om 1 eller 2 ressurser og bruk ditt marked eller farm for de andre ressursene.
- Marked forbi nivå 10. Oppgrader til nivå 10 for å kunne sende direkte til andre landsbyer på andre øyer. Med mindre du planlegger å bygge handelsbutikk er det ingen grunn til og oppgradere utover nivå 10.
- Kaserne fordi nivå 15. Det tar virkelig ikke mye av rekrutteringstiden for dine enheter. Så vurder ut ifra hvor mye det koster av befolkningen din mot at du får en ny enhet noen få minutter seinere.
- Havn fordi nivå 20. Samme grunn som kasernen.
Du vil derimot ønske å oppgradere din gård, tempel, mur, hule og akademi fullt.
Unike bygninger
Det er to sett av 4 unike bygninger i Senatet som det kun er mulig for deg å bygge en av hver fra. Du kan selvfølgelig bygge forskjellige unike bygninger i hver landsby du eier.
- Første sett:
- Teater - Øker kulturpoengene i din landsby
- Varmtvannsbasseng - Øker din befolkningsantall med 10%
- Bibliotek - Mottar ytterlige 12 forskningsopeng
- Fyrtårn - Dine båter reiser 15% raskere
De to beste bygningene fra dette setter er Varmtvannsbasseng og Bibliotek. Ikke bry deg om å bygge Fyrtårn med mindre du planlegger å ha massive båter.
- Andre sett:
- Tårn - Øker den defensive styrken på dine tropper med 10%.
- Guddommelig Statue - Øker velvilje produksjonen i ditt tempel
- Orakel - Lar deg få vite hvem som har sendt spioner på deg
- Handelskontor - Øker handelsforholdet mellom deg og bondelandsbyer
De to beste bygningene i dette sette er Tårn og Guddommelig Statue - bygg aldri Handelskontor. Det påvirker kun bondelandsbyer og det å være i stand til og handle bitte litt mer med dem er ikke egentlig en langsiktig fordel.
All forskningen blir gjort i akademiet ditt. Her kan du forske på forskjellige land og sjøenheter, og andre teknologier for å hjelpe deg øke produksjonen, kutting av kostnader osv. Hver eneste teknologi koster forskningspoeng. Du mottar 4 forskningspoeng for hvert nivå du bygger opp ditt akademi.
Du kommer til å trenge 190 forskningspoeng for og forske på absolutt alle teknologiene som er tilgjengelig for deg. Med et fullt oppgradert akademi har du 120 forskningspoeng du kan bruke, og dersom du i tillegg bygger et bibliotek mottar du ytterlige 12 forskningspoeng og får dermed en total på 132. Du er derfor med andre ord nødt til å velge hvilke teknologier du ønsker å forske på.
Gå til forskning for mer detalert informasjon.
Teknologier du bare må ha
Akademi nivå 1-3
- (4) Steinslygemenn - for å angripe og farme andre spillere
- (8) Bueskyttere - til farming og forsvar
Akademi nivå 4-6
- (8) Hoplitter - bra offensiv/defensiv, de er trege men har bedre statistikk enn hestestridsvogner
Akademi nivå 7-9
- (3) Bytte - dine enheter bærer 30% flere ressurser
Akademi nivå 10-12
- (8) Rytter - supre til farming og offensive enheter
- (4) Instruktør - kasernen produserer enhetene 10% raskere
Akademi nivå 13-15
- (8) Birem - Birmer er sterke skip som er spesielt gode i forsvar.
Akademi nivå 16-18
- (8) Flammeskip - Flammeskip antenner fiendtlige skip
- (4) Verneplikt - landenheter koster 10% mindre
- (6) Skipsbygger - arbeidet i Havna går 10% raskere.
Akademi nivå 19-21
- Ingenting
Akdemi nivå 22-24
- (0) Koloniskip - trengs for å grunnlegge flere byer
- (4) Plog - Gården kan forsyne 200 flere inbyggere.
- (6) Køye - Transportskipene dine kan frakte 6 ekstra enheter.
Akademi nivå 25-27
- (9) Falanx - 10% angreps/forsvars bonus for dine tropper
- (6) Matematikk - kostnadene for båter blir redusert med 10%
Akademi nivå 28-30
- (10) Rambukk - 10% angreps/forsvars bonus til dine båter
- (0) Erobring - Gjør det mulig å erobre fiendens byer.
Totalt: (96) poeng.
Teknologier du ikke trenger
- (4) Keramikk - warehouse can store an additional 2500 resources (extra storage unnecessary)
- (6) Arkitektur - cost of buildings lowered by 10% (Useless after city is built up)
- (4) Heisekran - increases building speed in Senate by 10% (Useless after city is built up)
- (4) Meteorologi - foot troops move 10% faster
- (6) Cryptography - an enemy spy will need over 20% more silver than you to succeed
- (6) Demokrati - it takes only 10% longer for an enemy to conquest one of your cities
- (6) Gjennombrudd - enables special attack that will protect more transports in an attack but sacrifice 50% of naval attack power
- (8) Trirem - handles both offense and defense but less efficiently
Totalt: (44) pts.
These techs either come far too late in the Academy to really do much good or just aren't worth the cost of the Research Points they require. If you do research them you can remove them at the cost of a culture point each.
Where To Put the Rest
After researching all the must-have techs, you will still have 26 points (38 with Library) to spend among 50 points of these techs which can help specialize your polis in certain areas:
- (3) City Guard - You gain an extra 5 militia per farm level
Rationale: This tech can significantly increase the size of your militia up to a max of 375 vs. 250. You'll pick off 50% more of the attacker's troops. Only worth it if you are repeatedly attacked and are usually online to activate militia
- (3) Diplomacy - You can bring farming village mood down an extra 20% without resistance
Rationale: This tech doesn't let you farm twice as often because mood will still recover at the same rate and if you farm at a lower mood the mood will decrease more, but if you farm infrequently you can gain more resources at a time
- (4) Demand Troops - You can choose to demand troops instead of resources when farming
Rationale: While the resources you gain from archer/horsemen farming can build more troops than you receive from this, it is possible to receive troops you haven't researched and can supplement a barracks queue with immediate troops
- (8) Chariot - Enables the building of chariots
Rationale: An offensive/defensive troop with overall stats/cost/build time per pop unit worse than hoplites but their speed makes them versatile for farming and sneak attacks
- (8) Fire Ships - A defense-only ship that always kills one-to-one
Rationale: Fast and cheap to build, especially useful against larger forces, but does not attack enemy transports, slow
- (8) Catapult - Tears down enemy walls
Rationale: Extremely useful in farming other players to get rid of pesky walls that pick off your farming troops but their slow speed almost forces them to be sent by sea
- (8) Light Transport Boat - Transports less troops at faster speeds
Rationale: Almost twice the speed of regular transports but carries half the troops, however this can be offset by bunks (see below), good if you need to move troops faster
- (8) Cartography - Ships travel 10% faster
Rationale: Only research if faster movement of ships is very important to your playing style
Resetting a technology means you no longer have that technology and are refunded the Research Points it cost. This can be a valuable tool in case you've made a mistake in research, are not happy with something you've researched, or no longer need the technology. Resetting costs 1 culture point. nv
Military Units
Military units are the bread and butter of this game. This is a war game, make no mistake about it. Invest in your military, especially in defense. All it takes is one powerful player to come in and wipe out all your military and set you back weeks in the game, unable to defend yourself, and losing resources and any units you do manage to build as that player farms you over and over again.
Best Offensive Units
Some would also include Hoplites in the list of best offensive units but I think for what they cost they are severely limited in what they can do. You may want to save yourself the Research Points and forgo having them.
Slingers are cheap and you can get them very early in the game with a Level 1 Academy. They are great for clearing out inactives on your island. Cheap, fast to build, and easily replaceable.
Horsemen are fast and carry much more than slingers. They are very vulnerable to sharp weapons but for their cost this is one unit you must have.
Chariots are just an all around fantastic unit. While they are a bit costly there isn't much that can take them down and they cut through other units like butter.
Best Defensive Units
Swords are given to you in the tutorial. They will be your first defense and will continue to be a good unit for defense. Cheap, fast to build, and easily replaceable. Good for mass production.
Archers you get relatively early in the game with a level 2 Academy. These are also relatively cheap, fast to build and easily replaceable. Good for mass production.
Chariots again show up as a fantastic unit to have. A city with plenty of chariots is going to be hard to take down.
Attacking Other Players
You can attack another players city in Grepolis. There are several reasons to do this.
- Steal their resources
- Clear out their army so they are not a threat
- Conquer their city and take it over for yourself
- To conquer a city you must have a Colony Ship, the technology Conquest (lvl 28 Academy), and Culture Points.
See Best Offensive Units for best results.
You can attack other cities by land if you share the same island or by sea if you do not.
- Tip - Attacking squads must have a total population used of 14 or more.
Land Attacks
You must share an island with the targeted city to attack by land. Go to the Island Overview and click on the city you wish to attack. Click on the Attack tab and choose which units and how many you will send. Click the attack button on the bottom of the screen and they will be on their way.
Once you choose the units you are sending the runtime and the arrival time will show up on the screen.
- Your troops can only travel as fast as the slowest unit sent.
Sea Attacks
You can attack players on other islands by building ships. Transport ships carry your land units but have no fighting ability on their own. If your opponent has defensive ships protecting their harbor and you haven't sent along offensive ships to take them out your transport ships will be sunk and all the units on board will be lost.
There are several ways to find a player to attack by sea.
- You can go to your Island Overview and click on the Minimap and search for players on nearby islands to attack.
- Go to Rankings and type in a players name. Click on them and click on the Center Map button to bring up their Island View. That players city will be circled.
- If you want to target a specific Alliance you can search in Rankings for that alliance then choose a player at random from their alliance screen by scrolling down their member list.
Best Sea Units
- Bireme for defense
- Light Ship for offense
- Trireme for all around best ship .However, many people dislike Triremes. You can get more power for your spent resources and population using more specifically offensive or defensive ships. That is not to say that they are useless. Triremes are especially good in a situation where you have to attack and then defend such as when you are taking a city.
Spying and Caves
You can spy on other players and protect yourself from being spied upon once you have a Cave. Spies and spy protection cost Silver. For every level of Cave you have completed you can store 1000 Silver in it. Maximum cave level is 10 and once you have a level 10 Cave the 1000 per level silver limit is withdrawn. You may store as much silver in your cave as you wish then.
- Once silver is put in a cave it can not be withdrawn back into your warehouse for general use.
Spying on Others
Spying on others costs silver paid out of what you have stored in your cave. The minimum amount you must pay your spy is 1000 silver per mission. In order for the mission to succeed you must pay your spy more than what your opponent has stored in his cave. The more you pay your spy the higher the chance the mission will succeed. If you pay your spy 1000 silver and the opponent has 1001 silver in their cave your mission will fail. Successful and failed missions are non-refundable. Once your spy is on its way you have lost the silver spent.
If your mission was successful you will receive a spy report. This will list the units in the city at the time of the report, wall level, building levels, and how many resources they have available. The other player will not even know they were spied unless they have built the Oracle.
If the mission failed you lose your silver and receive a Mission Failed report. The opposing player gets a report that you tried to spy them and the cost of your spy mission is deducted from their cave as well. Think of it as paying your spy for uncovering another players spy.
Spy Protection
The more silver you keep in your cave the less likely you will be successfully spied upon. Players that successfully spy you can better plan their attacks on you. If they can't spy then they must either forgo attacking you or attack you blindly. Silver is well spent in a cave as a first line of defense.
If a player pays $1000 to spy you and you have $2000 in your cave then their mission will fail. You will get a report that a spy was uncovered and who it was from. $1000 will be deducted from your cave to pay for this counter-espionage.
- The Oracle will let you know if someone has spied you. It won't make their mission fail but it will alert you that you have been spied upon and by whom.
Battle Points
Battle points are a way to keep track of who is actively engaged in fighting. You receive 1 point for every citizen used to make the unit you killed. Your opponent receives the same whether attacking or defending.
- Tip: You do not receive battle points for killing units that farming villages put up to defend themselves. You only receive battle points from player to player combat.
BP Worth
- Note: The technology Conscription does not lower the cost of population used in constructing units. It only lowers the cost of resources (timber, stone, silver).
Agora Battle Simulator
Want to know how you will do in an upcoming battle? There is a battle simulator in the Agora. If you have spied your opponent and know what units you are going up against this is the easiest way to determine if you will win and how many losses you may suffer.
Click on the Simulator tab in the Agora. Input all units you are sending and all the units you will be going up against. If God/desses are involved you can choose the correct one for each player and enter mythical units as well.
Morale is how well your troops will fight. Divine powers can affect morale. This number will be between 30 and 100. Luck is randomly generated for the battle and will be anywhere between -30 and 30 luck. Luck affects the attacker only. If they have -30 luck then their troops will fight 30% less effectively. If they have 30% luck their troops will fight 30% more effectively. City Wall is the level of the defenders wall.
If you aren't sure what your opponent has then you can play around with the simulator and input different scenarios to see what might work best for you. This will also work if you are being attacked and not the attacker.
You can also input factors such as unique buildings (Tower) and premium features for a more accurate battle outcome.
Defending Against Attacks
Hiding Your Troops
Why hide troops?
- It is far easier to recoup resources lost than to rebuild an army.
- If you know you can't win the battle get your troops out of there.
- If you aren't sure what is coming at you from the enemy you may want to move your troops out of harms way so you can be better prepared for their next assault.
- If you've lost your army to a previous battle and someone is farming you then get your new units out of the way as you rebuild.
How do I hide my troops?
- 1. If you are online:
- 1.1 Send your troops out to attack or support a farming village or another players city. Be careful about supporting gray villages - if it collapses, you will lose your entire army in that village.
- 2. If you are not online:
- 2.1 Send your troops to support an ally members city on your island
- Mythical units may support cities that worship the same God/dess
- 2.2 If you don't have an ally mate on same island then either:
- 2.2.1 Send your units to support a friends city on your island (you must trust them completely)
- 2.2.2 Send your units to support an inactive city on your island (not recommended because of the collapse risk)
- 2.2.3 Send your units to an ally member on another island (recommended action)
- You will need enough transport boats to do this
- 2.1 Send your troops to support an ally members city on your island
If you are not online and you choose to send to a non-ally members city then you must absolutely trust that player. All your troops will be sitting in their city so they will know your city is defenseless.
If you are not online and you choose to send to an inactive city then you should try to make sure that city does not get hit by other players. Send a sword to support that city first and let it sit there for a day or so to see if anybody is farming it.
Hiding Your Resources
If you do not want your attacker to steal your resources on the loot, there are several things you may do to hide your resources.
- 1) Hide your resources on the market. Markets have not yet become farmable
- Try putting your resources at a ratio of 3:1 so that no one will try to accept the trade
- Another good idea is to set the maximum delivery time to 0:30:00, so that you limit the amount of people who can accept your offer
- 2) Send your resources by the market to a friend, a farm or another one of your villages
- If you send it to a friend, you must trust them completely that they return the resources to you
- You must have a level 10 market if your friend is on another island in order to send your resources
- If you send it to a farm, send a farm raid after the resources so you get the resources back. This is a pretty risky way to hide resources.
- 3) Use your resources up on buildings or on troops.
- Be careful about getting the resources back afterwards, because after 10 minutes, you may only get half of your resources back (90% back if the 10 minutes aren't up).
- Don't forget your warehouse can hide resources as well. It hides it's level X100 of each resource.
Please refer to The Gods.
Conquering other cities
Refer to Conquering and Colonising
Culture Points
Culture points are a necessary requirement in order for you to conquer other cities. All information on them can be found at the Agora in the culture section. In the fraction found inside the blue bar, the numerator (the first number) is the amount of culture points you currently have, and the denominator (the second number) is the amount of culture points you need to reach the next culture level. The current culture level may be found just above the top left corner of the blue bar. The higher the culture level, the more cities you can have. If your culture level is 73, you can have a maximum of 73 cities.
There are several ways to attain culture points.
- 1)City Festival
- Worth 1 culture point
- Costs 15000 wood, 18000 rock, 15000 silver
- Last 24 hours
- Only one festival can be held in one city at a time
- Requires the city to have a level 30 Academy
- 2)Olympics
- Worth 1 culture point
- Costs 50 premium gold
- Lasts 120 hours (5 days)
- Only one Olympic game can be held in one city a time
- Requires a level 30 Academy
- 3)Victory Procession
- Worth 1 culture point
- Costs 300 battle points (amount of troops you killed)
- Lasts 8 hours
- Only one victory procession can be held in one city a time
- 4)Theater
- Worth 1 culture point
- Costs 10000 wood, 12000 rock, 10000 silver
- Lasts 120 hours (5 days)
- Only one theater play can be held in one city at a time
- Requires a level 30 Academy
- Requires a Theater
End Game
There is no End Game. You just keep playing until you quit. Or the world will be shut down when there are extremely few players left in the world. Usually doesn't happen for several years.