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Grepolis kan bli sett på som et 4x nettleserspill. Det kreves at en spiller utvider sine ressurser, utvider sine landsbyer, utforsker hav og ødelegger eventuelle motstandere. Mange av disse grunnleggende funksjonene er kjent for mange spillere, men likevel vil denne delen av wikien hjelpe de av dere som ikke er kjent med denne type spill - forhåpentligvis vil du bli bedre kjent med spillet og får hjelp til de første stegene på Grepolis.
Her vil du finne grunnleggende informasjon om spillet og hvordan du utfører dine første handlinger.


"''For modige menn er krigens pris frihet og ære''" - Lykurg av Sparta
"''For modige menn er krigens pris frihet og ære''" - Lycurgus av Sparta
Utnyttelsen av ressurs-formene danner grunnlaget for utviklingen av din Polis til å bli en mektig øy-makt. I grepolis er det fire typer ressurser - tre normale og en spesiell type. De normale ressursene består av tre, stein og sølvmynter. Den mystiske Pantheon i antikkens Hellas spilte en viktig rolle og på grunn av denne er den fjerde ressursen den gudommelige tjenesten fra Gudene. For alle enheter og bygninger kreves det ressurser. Du mottar ressurser automatisk ghennom dine gruver (tømmerhogger, steinbrudd og søvgruve) eller tempelet (gudommelig tjeneste). Ressurser blir produsert konstant selv om du ikke er logget inn på din brukerkonto.
Mengden ressurser du mottar per time avhenger av størrelsen (nivået) på dine bygninger. For å være sikker på at de produserte ressursene ikke er bortkastet, vil du trenge et varehus som er så stort som mulig. Øverst i høyre hjørne av siden vises hvor mange råvarer ditt varehus rommer.
Tallet under varehus-symbolet indikerer hvor mange ressurser varehuset kan lagre. Dette nummeret er den totale mengden av hver normale ressurs. Nummerene til venstre for varehus-symbolet viser til en hver tid hvor mye av hver ressurs som finnes i varehuset.
=='''De første handlingene'''==
"''En uorganisert mobb er ikke mer en armé, enn en haug av byggematerialer er et hus''" - Sokrates
I begynnelsen krever din by én ting mer enn andre: Ressurser. Tømmerhoggerne produserer ved, steinbruddet produserer stein og sølvgruve produserer sølvmynter. Velviljen Gudene vil gi deg i løpet av spillet er veldig viktig, men helt i begynnelsen er den unødvendig. Jo høyere nivå på dine ressurs-bygninger, jo høyere produksjon per time. Denne utvidelsen er av stor betydning og du bør fokusere på dette de første dagene.
Ettersom du utvider dine ressurs-områder til et høyere nivå vil det bli nødvendig å oppgradere gården. Hver gang du oppgraderer en bygning kreves flere av befolkningen til å holde bygningen i drift. Ettersom du får dine ressurser i høyere nivåer vil det bli nødvendig å utvide ditt varehus. Etter dette vil byens sikkerhet bli en stor oppgave å begynne på. Mot slutte nvil du beskytte dine ferske anskaffede ressurser mot glupske naboer. De kan stjele dine ressurser med et angrep. Varehuset tilbyr litt hjelp her. Når varehuset blir større kan det gjemme flere ressurser og det blir vanskeligere å stjele alle ressursene for fienden. Så kan du ha ressursene som trengs for å bygge opp din Polis og beskytte deg selv mot dine fiender. Du bør jobbe med disse oppgavene tidlige, spesielt hvis det er andre sterke byer på din øy. I tillegg bør du utvide din bymur. Følgende handlinger bør være nok beskyttelse gjennom begynner-fasen av din Polis, og hjelp mot skader fra en gårdig angriper som prøver å ta dine ressurser.
Etter at Polisens produksjon rekker et nivå du er fornøyd med, bør du begynne å produsere tropper og også begynne med handel. Med kaserne kan du trene sverdmenn. Disse er ikke ideelle for angrep, men de tilbyr muligheten for å overfalle svake spillere eller kreve skatt fra bondelandsbyer.
Du bør også være konsentrert om å bli medlem av en sterk allianse. Sammen kan spillere ha bedre forsvar og fremme handler. I tilleg kan du bli kjent med nye personer. Det er smartere for en nybegynner å knytte seg til en eksisterende allianse i nærheten, istedenfor å etablere en ny en.

Utnyttelsen av ressurs-formene danner grunnlaget for utviklingen av din Polis til å bli en mektig øymakt. I grepolis er det seks typer ressurser - tre normale og tre spesiell typer. De normale ressursene består av tre, stein og sølvmynter. Den mystiske Pantheon i antikkens Hellas spilte en viktig rolle og på grunn av denne er den fjerde ressursen den gudommelige tjenesten fra Gudene. For alle enheter og bygninger kreves det ressurser. Du mottar ressurser automatisk ghennom dine gruver (tømmerhogger, steinbrudd og søvgruve) eller tempelet (gudommelig tjeneste). Ressurser blir produsert konstant selv om du ikke er logget inn på din brukerkonto.

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=='''Sen begynnelse'''==
"''Det er kun to personer som kan fortelle sannheten om deg selv - en fiende som har mistet sitt temperament og en venn som elsker deg høyt.''" - Antisthenes
!width="150px" | Normale ressurser
!width="150px" | Kilde
!width="350px"| Beskrivelse
|align="center"|[[File:Holz.png|Wood]] '''Tømmer'''
|align="center"|[[File:lumber_50x50.png|left]] '''Hogstfelt'''
|align="center"|Samles inn i [[Hogstfelt]].
|align="center"|[[File:Stone.png |Stone]] '''Stein'''
|align="center"|[[File:stoner_50x50.png|left]] '''Steinbrudd'''
|align="center"|Samles inn i [[Steinbrudd]].
|align="center"|[[File:Iron.png|Silver]] '''Sølv'''
|align="center"|[[File:ironer_50x50.png|left]] '''Sølvgruve'''
|align="center"|Samles inn i [[Sølvgruve]].
!width="150px" | Spesielle ressurser
!width="150px" | Kilde
!width="350px"| Beskrivelse
|align="center"|[[File:Favor.png|Favor]] '''Velvilje'''
|align="center"|[[File:temple_50x50.png|left]] '''Tempel'''
|align="center"|Samles inn i ditt [[Tempel]].
|align="center"|[[File:Pop.png|Population]] '''Befolkning'''
|align="center"|[[File:farm_50x50.png|left]] '''Gård'''
|align="center"|Fôr kommer fra din [[Gård]].
|align="center"|[[File:Research_Points.png|Research Points]] '''Forskningspoeng'''
|align="center"|[[File:academy_50x50.png|left]] '''Akademi'''
|align="center"|Genereres i ditt [[Akademi]].

All of your buildings, units, spells, and research will need some or all of these resources.  Once you build the basic level for the timber camp, quarry, and silver mine you will begin to receive those resources automatically.  The rate at which you generate those resource will depend on your [[The_Map#Island_Details|island type]].  Divine Favor will only begin to accumulate once you select a god to worship in your city.  The higher the level of your '''Timber Camp''', '''Quarry''', '''Silver Mine''', and '''Temple''' the more quickly you will gain resources.

Skulle du komme inn i en sen spillfase av verdenen vil det være viktig å tilpasse sin strategi. En rask ressursproduksjon spiller en viktig rolle så konsktruksjonene av Polisen raskt blir ferdig. Det er også av stor betydning av du besytter deg selv mot angrep fra dine naboer. For å hindre tap av ressursene dine må du utvide din bymur og ditt varehus. Deretter produserer du et par enheter til å forsvare din by. Det er smart å skrive til dine naboer - en god kontakt med dem kan spare deg mot håpløse kamper dere grupperer sammenHivs din Polis har blitt stor nok bør du prøve å få fatt i noen ressurser fra dine naboer (bondelandsbyer først, deretter virkelige spillere når du er sterk nok). Ekstra ressurser kan i stor grad støtte utviklingen av din Polis.
Because resources are generated automatically, they will continue to accumulate even when you are not logged in to the game. In order for resources not to be wasted or lost, it is important to make sure you have room for the resources. You can ensure this by keeping your [[Warehouse]] large enough to store all of them. Divine Favor is always capped at 500 regardless of the size of your [[Temple]] or [[Warehouse]]You can see how close you are to reaching your warehouse cap in the upper righthand of the screen.

Så snart sekvensen med den største forskjellen til den normale konstruksjonen kommer: Ikke begå feilen å raskt forlate øyas grenser og dra av sted med et koloni-skip. Det vil virke logisk at dette er neste steg i utvidelsen. Det er derimot en pinlig feil, fordi sterke spillere først vil prøve å beskytte sine byer i ditt område for å skaffe seg en bedre strategisk posisjon i løpet av spillet. Hvis du investerer dine råvarer på kun å bygge en offensiv vil du være et enkelt bytte for disse spillerne! De har gjennom dette mulighet til å påføre høye tap på angriperen, og i sin tur ta noen tap selv.
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=='''First Steps'''==

Den beste strategien består av å bygge en sterk, defensive Polis, som innebærer en garnison av flere sverdmenn og bueskyttere. Du vil være et lite attraktivt mål for de store spillerne. Hvis de konstant har høye tap i din by, vil de vanligvis slutte å angripe.
"''A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house''" - Socrates

Now that you're starting out in the world, your main concern over everything else will be: Resources.  When you first look at your city you will not have any resource buildings built.  Getting those built will help to start generating more resources.  At this point in the game, Divine Favor is not needed.  Expanding your resource production buildings is the main concern for a new player.  Remember to make sure that you have space in your warehouse to hold all of the resources though.

Denne fasen av å bygge en sikker posisjon koster deg tid, men bringer en bonus fordi du vil ha muligheten til å utnytte de defensive troppene igjen og igjen. Hvis du nå har et sterkt forsvar kan du forberede utvidelsen og begynne konstruksjonen av ofensive tropper.
Building new buildings and increasing the size of existing ones will take up population.  Since all of the buildings except for the [[Farm]] and [[Warehouse]] require population, you will need to ensure that you have enough free population available. You can increase the amount you have by increasing the size of your farm.

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At this point, your city will be starting to look like a good target for others to raid you for resources.  A nice feature of the [[Warehouse]] is that it will protect 100 of each resource for each level you build it to. This will help in denying those greedy neighbors from taking your resources. Because your city is starting to look more and more attractive to other players, you will want to begin creating some troops to help protect your city from attacks. The basic unit for this is the [[Swordsman]].

In order to begin building troops, you will need to build a [[Barracks]].  This can be done fairly quickly as it only needs a few low level buildings to be built.  As you begin to build troops, you should also begin to take over more [[Farming|Farming Villages]] so that you can gain resources from those as well.  The more you have under your control, the quicker you can build your city and army.
"''Kunsten å leve godt og kunsten å dø godt er ett.''" - Epikur

Once you reach a stage where you feel comfortable with being protected and not having to worry about raids, you should consider finding a strong alliance in your local area to join.  There is strength in numbers and having allies will greatly assist in becoming a great player.

Byoversikten gir viktig informasjon om din Polis som en egen visning. Der kan du se: bygnings-handlingene; nåværende ressursproduksjon; topper som befinner seg i Polisen og tropper på vanding.
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=='''Late Start'''==

Den grafiske representasjonen av bygningene endres i henhold til nivået. Med et raskt blikk kan du se hvor langt din by har blitt utviklet. Ettersom hver bygning blir mer avansert vil oversikten vise større bygninger. De vil bli mer forseggjort ettersom de gjør framskritt helt til de er fullt oppgradert.
"''There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly.''" - Antisthenes

If you decide to join an older world, you will likely be dealing with players who are much further ahead in the game.  A player in this situation will need to find a balance between defending their city, and generating resources in order to grow and expand.  Many players will raid cities under 3000-4000 points, so defensive troops are a must.  The stronger your defence is the better you will be when you come out of Beginner's Protection.  Part of your defence should include building the [[City Wall]], as well as having defensive troops.  Remember to keep an eye on your free population to make sure that you can still increase resource production as needed.

Med et klikk på den individuelle bygning blir du fraktet til ønsket bygnings-meny og kan derfra bruke interne valg. For eksempel: bygge skip i havna eller drive forskning i akademiet.
Another good strategy for keeping from being attacked is to request to join an [[Alliances|Alliance]] in your area. In the later stages of the game, alliances will want to make sure that you will be able to defend yourself and continue to grow and expand.  Each alliance has different requirements so you will need to find out what those are.

Eventually, your city will become large enough that you will be able to expand to a new city.  Before you begin to expand your cities, you should make sure that you have adequate defences in place.  It is a common mistake to go off and found a new city and leave your original city empty or defenceless.  A good strategy would be to invest in creating a highly defensive city in order to protect yourself.  Once you have managed to prevent all attacks on your city, you can then begin to look at other cities to take over.  The advantage to this strategy is that you will then have a strong defensive city which can help aid your other city if needed.

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=='''Endre navn på byen'''==
=='''City Overview'''==
"''De som er for smarte til å engasjere seg i politiken blir straffet ved å bli styrt av dem som er dummere.''" - Plato
"''The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.''" - Epicurus

The City Overview is where you can view your city and see what buildings you have built.  You can also access the various functions that each building can provide with a click.  So you can click on the [[Barracks]] to build troops, or the [[Marketplace]] to make trade offers.

Du kan endre navnet på din Polis enkelt. Klikk på banneret over byoversikten som viser ditt nåværende bynavn. Etter det kan du endre navnet i boksen og klikke på ned-pila til høyre for boksen.

{|class="wikitable" width="100%"
!Building Name
|In the senate, you can build or upgrade buildings. The higher the level of the Senate, the quicker the construction/expansion of buildings. The Senate is also key as a certain level senate is a requirement for most other buildings.
|The agora is effectively the rally point for your city. In the Agora you may see overviews of troops inside and outside your city, as well as having access to the simulator to predict battles. You can also summon all the cultural events here (explained in section 11).
|The farm is the place which produces food so that your troops can eat. The higher the level of the farm, the more population you can cater for, which eventually means the more units and buildings you can build. You may also activate [[Militia]] here (explained in the next section).
|The warehouse is where resources are stored until they are needed for building/training/researching something. The higher the level of the warehouse, the more resources you may store. Note that the warehouse also has a secret chamber in which it hides resources, in case your village gets attacked by a hungry player looking to loot some resources.
|align=center|[[File:lumber_50x50.png|Timber Camp|link=Timber Camp]]
|align=center|[[Timber Camp]]
|The timber camp produces wood for your village to use. The higher the level of the timber camp, the more wood produced per hour.
|The quarry produces stone for your village to use. The higher the level of the quarry, the more stone produced per hour.
|align=center|[[File:ironer_50x50.png|Silver mine|link=Silver mine]]
|align=center|[[Silver Mine]]
|The silver mine produces silver for your village to use. The higher the level of the silver mine, the more resources produced per hour.

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'''Requirements''': Timber Camp level 3
|In the barracks, you can recruit troops to fight for you. The higher the level of the barracks, the quicker the troops will be recruited. As well as this, a certain level barracks is required to build certain troops.

=='''Konstruere bygninger'''==
'''Requirements''': Senate level 2, Farm level 3, Timber Camp level 4, Silver Mine level 1
"''Det er mulig å gi sikkerhet til andre onder, men så lenge døden er opptat bor vi mennesker i en by uten vegger.''" - Epikur
|In the academy, you can research new technologies that will help you progress the game. The higher the level of the academy, the more technologies you may research and discover. The academy is a key building, as it unlocks the key researches needed to get new cities.

'''Requirements''': Senate level 8, Farm level 6, Barracks level 5
|align=center|[[File:wall_50x50.png|City Wall|link=Wall]]
|The wall fortifies your city and gives troops in your city a defensive advantage. The higher the level of the wall, the better the defence of your city.

Hvis du vil konstruere eller utvide en bygning, må du klikke på senatet og deretter klikke på "Utvid til X". Du må ha den riktige mengden av tømmer, stein og sølvmynter for å bygge. Mengden som trengs avhenger av hvilken bygning og hvilket nivå bygningen er i. Jo større du vil gjøre bygningen, jo mer ressurser kreves for utvidelsen.
Note that you can also see all the troops you've killed and lost by clicking on the wall.

'''Requirements''': Senate level 7, Quarry level 8
|The cave is where spies can be assigned to scout out enemy cities. You store silver here so that you can pay for their services (section 8). The higher the level of the cave, the more silver you can store.

I tilleg avhenger mange av bygningene i Grepolis på nivået til andre bygninger. For eksempel kan du kun bygge en markedsplass hvis ditt varehus og din hule allerede har nådd en viss størrelse. I senatet er dette angitt sammen med ressurs-kostnadene ved å holde pekeren over bygningen.
'''Requirements''': Senate level 9, Warehouse level 5
|The harbor is where you can build new ships to explore the ocean. The higher the level of the harbor, the quicker the naval units are constructed. The harbor is key to the progression of your empire.

'''Requirements''': Senate level 14, Timber Camp level 15, Silver Mine level 10
|In the temple, you can worship the god of your choice. The higher the level of the temple, the quicker divine favour is produced (explained in section 9).

<div style="width:75%; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 1%; background-color: #DFDFDF; text-align: justify; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size:0.9em; cursor:pointer;">For mer informasjon, se [[bygninger|Bygninger]]</div>
'''Requirements''': Senate level 15, Quarry level 12, Wall level 6
|Through the marketplace, you can send resources to allies as well as trade them. The higher the level of your marketplace, the more ability to trade you will have and the more you will be able to trade.

'''Requirements''': Senate level 12, Warehouse level 6, Cave level 5

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You can look at the city overview of any of your cities without having to move the map. This makes it easier to know what is needed in each city without having to wait for the map to switch to that city each time. As your city grows and expands, the city overview will reflect those changes in the way you city is presented.

=='''Konstruere enheter'''==
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"''Tapre menn er en bys sterkeste tårn av forsvar''" - Alkaios

=='''Renaming your [[Polis]]'''==

Du kan trene enheter i Grepolis i din kaserne. Den første tilgjengelige enheten som kan bli trenet er sverdmannen, en simpel defensiv enhet som ikke skal undervurderes. Gjennom spillets løp kan du utføre forskning i akademiet og kan deretter konstruere andre enheter, som for eksempel: Bueskyttere; Steinslyngemenn; Hoplitter; Ryttere og Katapulter.
"''Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.''" - Plato

Så fort du har konstruert et tempel, valgt en Gud og produsert noen gudommelige tjenester kan du trene mystiske enheter av din valgte Gud i kasernenDe er overlegne i forhold til de normale enhetene i styrke, men de er dyre og bruker også gudommelig tjeneste-ressurser.
The default name for all cities when a player begins is ''X's City''.  Not the most attractive name or most creative.  However if you want to change the name of the city, just double-click on the banner with the city name. You can change the name of the city to anything you like, so long as it is within the rules of the gameOnce you have decided on a name, type it in, and click the down arrow to the right of the name to save it.

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I havna kan du konstruere marine-enheter. Du begynner med transportbåter og kan senere også konstruere: Birem; Flammeskip; Brannskip; Triem og Koloniskip i henhold til havnas nivå og også forskning gjort i akademiet. Den sistnevnte skuta, Koloniskipet, er en forutsetning for å få andre byer. Hvis du tilber Poseidon kan du konstruere Hydra i havna, en mystisk og den sterkeste vannenheten.
=='''Construct Buildings'''==
"''It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.''" - Epicurus

I enhets-kartleggelsen finner du en kort beskrivelse som skisserer forutsetningene for produksjon og enhetenes styrke.

Construction of or expanding a building takes place through the [[Senate]], or  you can use the hammer icon in the lower left of the City Overview screen.  If you have the [[Premium|Administrator]] active you can use the Buildings Overview to build, expand, or demolish buildings in your cities.

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The more levels you build, the more resources it will cost to continue expanding and it will also take more time to complete. However, there are many buildings which require others to reach a certain level before you can begin building it. You can view more information about this in the [[Buildings Portal]].

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"''Alle forhåndsregler må tas at vår hjelp er sterkere enn våre innbyggere, kan ikke vokse for mye for dem og bli brutale rovdyr.''" - Platon

=='''Construct Units'''==

Du er ikke alene på din øy. I tilleg til andre spillere vil du finne et mangfold av bondelandsbyer som naboer. En smart kontakt med dem kan gi deg rikelig med ressurser som du kan utnytte veldig godt, særlig i begynnelsen. For å få ressursene fra omkringliggende bondelandsbyene må du sende tropper for å kreve skatt.
"''Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defense''" - Alcaeus

For å angripe en bondelandsby må du: Velge en nærliggende bondelandsby på øya, velge 'angrepsvisning' og velge 'plyndring for ressurser'. Avhengig av hvor mange tropper du sender bringer troppene deg mer eller mindre råvarer til din Polis. Bondelandsbyen vil reagere på å bli bedt om skatt og vil til slutt bli irriterte av dine krav. Lojaliteten bondelandsbyen har til deg faller etter hver gang du krever skatt. Lojaliteten er 100 prosent til å begynne med. Til slutt er lojaliteten så lav at landsbyen gjør motstand og dine troppers liv er i fare. Jo lavere lojalitet, jo høyere er risikoen for motstand.
Training military units will be one of the main objectives for each of your city once it is fully built. The [[Barracks]] is where you will train all of your land based units, and the [[Harbour]] is where you will train your naval units. Every military unit, with the exceptions of the [[Swordsman]] and [[Transport Boat]], will require their respective [[Research|technology]] to be researched.   

Det er best å regelmessig kreve skatt fra disse landsbyene for at din by skal vokse raskt. Dette skaper et problem ettersom lojaliteten faller og du må betale følgene. Du bør prøve å angripe forskjellige bondelandsbyer på din øy. Du kan øke styrken ved at dine tropper foretar sivilt arbeid. De hjelper bondelandsbyen ved å bygge sivile bygninger, drenere områder og høste avlinger. For deg betyr dette at dine tropper befinner seg en tid utenfor byen uten å ta med ressurser tilbake. Langsiktig gjør dette nyttige arbeidet at du mottar flere ressurser fra landsbyen når du krever skatt. Det er også mulig, avhengig av lojaliteten, at landsbyene vil motstå din innsats og forsvare seg mot inkommende tropper.
In order for some of the technologies to be researched, you will need to expand the [[Barracks]] and [[Harbour]] to the appropriate level. [[Horsemen]] require that the [[Barracks]] is built up to level 10 before you can begin researching the technology for that unit. [[Colony Ship|Colony Ships]] require the [[Harbour]] to be at level 20 before you can research that technology.

The other exception to this is with [[Mythical Units]] as they only require that you have built a [[Temple]] to the correct level and chosen a [[Gods|god]] to worship.  Mythical units have many advantages and are much stronger than regular units, but their resource costs are quite high, making it difficult to recruit a large number of them at a time.

Jo større bondelandsbyens styrke er, jo mindre lojalitet vil de miste når du krever ressurser. Landsbyens styrke starter på 50%, over tid vil det gradvis øke mot dette nummeret uansett hvordan du handler. Det er også viktig å merke at styrken påvirkes av alle spillere. Hvis en annen spiller angriper bondelandsbyen vil styrken ble lavere for deg også. Imidlertid er lojaliteten kun påvirket av hver individuelle spiller. Det staret på 100% og over tid vil det sakte øke til dette nummeret hvis de forblir alene.
For more information about the various military units in the game, see the [[Units Portal]].

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I grunnen gjelder denne oppskriften for bodelandsbyer: Jo flere tropper du sender og jo høyere styrke landsbyen har, desto flere ressurser vil bondelandsbyen gi deg.
=='''Farm Villages'''==

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"''Every care must be taken that our auxiliaries, being stronger than our citizens, may not grow too much for them and become savage beasts.''" - Plato

=='''Spillets mål'''==
In addition to the other cities on your island, there are 8 Farming Villages as well.  These villages can provide your city with resources in the form of tribute and troops.  In order to make use of the resources that they can offer you must first conquer them and bring them under your control.  Once this is done, you can gather resources from them at your own leisure.  For detailed information about gaining resources in this manner, please see the [[Farming]] page.
"''Suksess er avhengig av innsats.''" - Sofokles

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Spillets mål er å leve ut drømmen til en gjennomsnittlig greker, å bli en helt. Du må erobre dine fiender, ødelegge dine motstandere og motta den ultimate velviljen av Gudene.
=='''Game Goal'''==
"''Success is dependent on effort.''" - Sophocles

The main goal of Grepolis is to become a major military force in your world and to earn the fear and respect of your enemies and allies.  Only by making your mark on the world can you hope to be elevated to the status of a Hero and gain the favor of the gods.

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Sideversjonen fra 30. nov. 2013 kl. 14:04

Grepolis kan bli sett på som et 4x nettleserspill. Det kreves at en spiller utvider sine ressurser, utvider sine landsbyer, utforsker hav og ødelegger eventuelle motstandere. Mange av disse grunnleggende funksjonene er kjent for mange spillere, men likevel vil denne delen av wikien hjelpe de av dere som ikke er kjent med denne type spill - forhåpentligvis vil du bli bedre kjent med spillet og får hjelp til de første stegene på Grepolis.


"For modige menn er krigens pris frihet og ære" - Lycurgus av Sparta

Utnyttelsen av ressurs-formene danner grunnlaget for utviklingen av din Polis til å bli en mektig øymakt. I grepolis er det seks typer ressurser - tre normale og tre spesiell typer. De normale ressursene består av tre, stein og sølvmynter. Den mystiske Pantheon i antikkens Hellas spilte en viktig rolle og på grunn av denne er den fjerde ressursen den gudommelige tjenesten fra Gudene. For alle enheter og bygninger kreves det ressurser. Du mottar ressurser automatisk ghennom dine gruver (tømmerhogger, steinbrudd og søvgruve) eller tempelet (gudommelig tjeneste). Ressurser blir produsert konstant selv om du ikke er logget inn på din brukerkonto.

Normale ressurser Kilde Beskrivelse
Wood Tømmer
Lumber 50x50.png
Samles inn i Hogstfelt.
Stone Stein
Stoner 50x50.png
Samles inn i Steinbrudd.
Silver Sølv
Ironer 50x50.png
Samles inn i Sølvgruve.
Spesielle ressurser Kilde Beskrivelse
Favor Velvilje
Temple 50x50.png
Samles inn i ditt Tempel.
Population Befolkning
Farm 50x50.png
Fôr kommer fra din Gård.
Research Points Forskningspoeng
Academy 50x50.png
Genereres i ditt Akademi.

All of your buildings, units, spells, and research will need some or all of these resources. Once you build the basic level for the timber camp, quarry, and silver mine you will begin to receive those resources automatically. The rate at which you generate those resource will depend on your island type. Divine Favor will only begin to accumulate once you select a god to worship in your city. The higher the level of your Timber Camp, Quarry, Silver Mine, and Temple the more quickly you will gain resources.

Because resources are generated automatically, they will continue to accumulate even when you are not logged in to the game. In order for resources not to be wasted or lost, it is important to make sure you have room for the resources. You can ensure this by keeping your Warehouse large enough to store all of them. Divine Favor is always capped at 500 regardless of the size of your Temple or Warehouse. You can see how close you are to reaching your warehouse cap in the upper righthand of the screen.

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First Steps

"A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house" - Socrates

Now that you're starting out in the world, your main concern over everything else will be: Resources. When you first look at your city you will not have any resource buildings built. Getting those built will help to start generating more resources. At this point in the game, Divine Favor is not needed. Expanding your resource production buildings is the main concern for a new player. Remember to make sure that you have space in your warehouse to hold all of the resources though.

Building new buildings and increasing the size of existing ones will take up population. Since all of the buildings except for the Farm and Warehouse require population, you will need to ensure that you have enough free population available. You can increase the amount you have by increasing the size of your farm.

At this point, your city will be starting to look like a good target for others to raid you for resources. A nice feature of the Warehouse is that it will protect 100 of each resource for each level you build it to. This will help in denying those greedy neighbors from taking your resources. Because your city is starting to look more and more attractive to other players, you will want to begin creating some troops to help protect your city from attacks. The basic unit for this is the Swordsman.

In order to begin building troops, you will need to build a Barracks. This can be done fairly quickly as it only needs a few low level buildings to be built. As you begin to build troops, you should also begin to take over more Farming Villages so that you can gain resources from those as well. The more you have under your control, the quicker you can build your city and army.

Once you reach a stage where you feel comfortable with being protected and not having to worry about raids, you should consider finding a strong alliance in your local area to join. There is strength in numbers and having allies will greatly assist in becoming a great player.

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Late Start

"There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly." - Antisthenes

If you decide to join an older world, you will likely be dealing with players who are much further ahead in the game. A player in this situation will need to find a balance between defending their city, and generating resources in order to grow and expand. Many players will raid cities under 3000-4000 points, so defensive troops are a must. The stronger your defence is the better you will be when you come out of Beginner's Protection. Part of your defence should include building the City Wall, as well as having defensive troops. Remember to keep an eye on your free population to make sure that you can still increase resource production as needed.

Another good strategy for keeping from being attacked is to request to join an Alliance in your area. In the later stages of the game, alliances will want to make sure that you will be able to defend yourself and continue to grow and expand. Each alliance has different requirements so you will need to find out what those are.

Eventually, your city will become large enough that you will be able to expand to a new city. Before you begin to expand your cities, you should make sure that you have adequate defences in place. It is a common mistake to go off and found a new city and leave your original city empty or defenceless. A good strategy would be to invest in creating a highly defensive city in order to protect yourself. Once you have managed to prevent all attacks on your city, you can then begin to look at other cities to take over. The advantage to this strategy is that you will then have a strong defensive city which can help aid your other city if needed.

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City Overview

"The art of living well and the art of dying well are one." - Epicurus

The City Overview is where you can view your city and see what buildings you have built. You can also access the various functions that each building can provide with a click. So you can click on the Barracks to build troops, or the Marketplace to make trade offers.


Number Icon Building Name Description
1 Senate Senate In the senate, you can build or upgrade buildings. The higher the level of the Senate, the quicker the construction/expansion of buildings. The Senate is also key as a certain level senate is a requirement for most other buildings.
2 Agora Agora The agora is effectively the rally point for your city. In the Agora you may see overviews of troops inside and outside your city, as well as having access to the simulator to predict battles. You can also summon all the cultural events here (explained in section 11).
3 Farm Farm The farm is the place which produces food so that your troops can eat. The higher the level of the farm, the more population you can cater for, which eventually means the more units and buildings you can build. You may also activate Militia here (explained in the next section).
4 Warehouse Warehouse The warehouse is where resources are stored until they are needed for building/training/researching something. The higher the level of the warehouse, the more resources you may store. Note that the warehouse also has a secret chamber in which it hides resources, in case your village gets attacked by a hungry player looking to loot some resources.
5 Timber Camp Timber Camp The timber camp produces wood for your village to use. The higher the level of the timber camp, the more wood produced per hour.
6 Quarry Quarry The quarry produces stone for your village to use. The higher the level of the quarry, the more stone produced per hour.
7 Silver mine Silver Mine The silver mine produces silver for your village to use. The higher the level of the silver mine, the more resources produced per hour.

Requirements: Timber Camp level 3

8 Barracks Barracks In the barracks, you can recruit troops to fight for you. The higher the level of the barracks, the quicker the troops will be recruited. As well as this, a certain level barracks is required to build certain troops.

Requirements: Senate level 2, Farm level 3, Timber Camp level 4, Silver Mine level 1

9 Academy Academy In the academy, you can research new technologies that will help you progress the game. The higher the level of the academy, the more technologies you may research and discover. The academy is a key building, as it unlocks the key researches needed to get new cities.

Requirements: Senate level 8, Farm level 6, Barracks level 5

10 City Wall Wall The wall fortifies your city and gives troops in your city a defensive advantage. The higher the level of the wall, the better the defence of your city.

Note that you can also see all the troops you've killed and lost by clicking on the wall.

Requirements: Senate level 7, Quarry level 8

11 Cave Cave The cave is where spies can be assigned to scout out enemy cities. You store silver here so that you can pay for their services (section 8). The higher the level of the cave, the more silver you can store.

Requirements: Senate level 9, Warehouse level 5

12 Harbor Harbor The harbor is where you can build new ships to explore the ocean. The higher the level of the harbor, the quicker the naval units are constructed. The harbor is key to the progression of your empire.

Requirements: Senate level 14, Timber Camp level 15, Silver Mine level 10

13 Temple Temple In the temple, you can worship the god of your choice. The higher the level of the temple, the quicker divine favour is produced (explained in section 9).

Requirements: Senate level 15, Quarry level 12, Wall level 6

14 Marketplace Marketplace Through the marketplace, you can send resources to allies as well as trade them. The higher the level of your marketplace, the more ability to trade you will have and the more you will be able to trade.

Requirements: Senate level 12, Warehouse level 6, Cave level 5

You can look at the city overview of any of your cities without having to move the map. This makes it easier to know what is needed in each city without having to wait for the map to switch to that city each time. As your city grows and expands, the city overview will reflect those changes in the way you city is presented.

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Renaming your Polis

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." - Plato

The default name for all cities when a player begins is X's City. Not the most attractive name or most creative. However if you want to change the name of the city, just double-click on the banner with the city name. You can change the name of the city to anything you like, so long as it is within the rules of the game. Once you have decided on a name, type it in, and click the down arrow to the right of the name to save it.

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Construct Buildings

"It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls." - Epicurus

Senate Hammer.png

Construction of or expanding a building takes place through the Senate, or you can use the hammer icon in the lower left of the City Overview screen. If you have the Administrator active you can use the Buildings Overview to build, expand, or demolish buildings in your cities.

The more levels you build, the more resources it will cost to continue expanding and it will also take more time to complete. However, there are many buildings which require others to reach a certain level before you can begin building it. You can view more information about this in the Buildings Portal.

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Construct Units

"Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defense" - Alcaeus

Training military units will be one of the main objectives for each of your city once it is fully built. The Barracks is where you will train all of your land based units, and the Harbour is where you will train your naval units. Every military unit, with the exceptions of the Swordsman and Transport Boat, will require their respective technology to be researched.

In order for some of the technologies to be researched, you will need to expand the Barracks and Harbour to the appropriate level. Horsemen require that the Barracks is built up to level 10 before you can begin researching the technology for that unit. Colony Ships require the Harbour to be at level 20 before you can research that technology.

The other exception to this is with Mythical Units as they only require that you have built a Temple to the correct level and chosen a god to worship. Mythical units have many advantages and are much stronger than regular units, but their resource costs are quite high, making it difficult to recruit a large number of them at a time.

For more information about the various military units in the game, see the Units Portal.

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Farm Villages

"Every care must be taken that our auxiliaries, being stronger than our citizens, may not grow too much for them and become savage beasts." - Plato

In addition to the other cities on your island, there are 8 Farming Villages as well. These villages can provide your city with resources in the form of tribute and troops. In order to make use of the resources that they can offer you must first conquer them and bring them under your control. Once this is done, you can gather resources from them at your own leisure. For detailed information about gaining resources in this manner, please see the Farming page.

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Game Goal

"Success is dependent on effort." - Sophocles

The main goal of Grepolis is to become a major military force in your world and to earn the fear and respect of your enemies and allies. Only by making your mark on the world can you hope to be elevated to the status of a Hero and gain the favor of the gods.

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