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Kultur er kanskje en av de mest sentrale aspektene av Grepolis. Kultur er påkrevd dersom du ønsker å erobre flere landsbyer via kolonisering og erobring. Pga kostnadene for kultur, så er det det eneste som kan forhindre din utvidelse på Grepolis.

Kulturelle nivåer

Ettersom du mottar kulturpoeng vil du gå oppover i kulturelt nivå. Hvert kulturnivå tillater deg å erobre en landsby og du starter på kulturelt nivå 2. Så snart du kommer deg til nivå 4 kan du dermed eie 4 landsbyer totalt, så snart du når nivå 10 kan du eie 10 landsbyer osv. Her kan du se en tabell på de første kulturelle nivåene:

Kulturelt nivå Kulturpoeng som trengs Kulturpoeng du i tillegg trenger å tjene
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 3 3
4 9 6
5 18 9
6 30 12
7 45 15
8 63 18
9 84 21
10 108 24

For høyere nivå er totalt antall kulturpoeng som trengs for å nå neste nivå N, mulig å kalkulere i følge denne formelen:
CP = 3/2(N^2-3N+2)
Om du allerede er på nivå N-1, må du legge til 3(N-2) kulturpoeng for å nå nivå N.

Måter å få kulturpoeng

Det finnes flere måter å få tak i kulturpoeng på her på Grepolis; ved å holde en byfestival, Olympiske leker, seiersparade og Teaterstykke. Alle av disse eventene tar plass i Agoraen og absolutt alle gir 1 kulturpoeng hver gang dem blir brukt/holdt. For å få tilgang til alle disse må du klikke på Agora og deretter velge "kultur".


Dette er vel den som blir mest brukt ut av absolutt alle mulighetene da den ikke koster noen ressurser eller gull. Denne metoden går ut på å bruke kamppoengene dine - både offensive og defensive for å holde en liten parade i landsbyen din. Hver av disse øker dine kulturpoeng med 1 for hver gang.

You are allowed to hold one Victory Procession per every 300 battle points that you earn. These battle points can be both offensive, where you attack a player and kill troops/ships, or defensive, where you are attacked by a player and you kill troops/ships. Also, you are only allowed to hold one Victory Procession in a polis at one time, however you can hold several at once as long as you hold them all in different villages. For example, say you had 5 cities and you had 1500 battle points that you had not already used on Victory Processions. You would be able to set up 5 victory processions, 1 in each city, at the same time using up 300 BP per Procession. Then once they had all finished, you would have an extra 5 culture points.

Victory Processions can vary in length depending on how fast the world you are playing on is. On a 1 speed world, a Victory Procession takes 8 hours to complete. Whereas on a 2 speed world, this time is halved to just 4 hours since the world moves at twice the speed.


Holding City Festivals is the way to go for players who find it easier to raise enough resources, rather than accumulating battle points. This method, like the other 3, increases your bank of culture points by 1 for every time you hold a Festival.

In order to celebrate a city festival you must have a level 30 academy. This is the maximum level of the academy. Alongside this each time you hold a City Festival it costs you 15000 Wood, 18000 Stone and 15000 Silver.

This method of accumulating culture points takes 12 hours to complete on a 2 speed world and 24 hours on a 1 speed world. You are only allowed to hold one Festival per city at a time.

Olympiske leker

Organising Olympic Games is the only method of accumulating culture that needs gold for it to work. This method is unlike the rest as it does not use either resources nor BP to complete, just gold.

For every Olympic Games you organise you must pay 50 gold and also must have the academy in the selected village at level 30, just like when performing Theatre Plays and celebrating City Festivals. This method also accumulates 1 culture point per time that it is used.

Each Olympic Games takes 5 days to complete on a 1 speed world and 2 and half days on a 2 speed world.


This is the special way of gaining culture points as it is only possible if you decided to build a Theatre as one of your two special buildings. However, this method involves no gold and no battle points.

If you decided to build a Theatre as one of your special buildings then congratulations, you are now able to hold Theatre Plays to gain culture points. To hold a Theatre Play you must also pay 10000 Wood, 12000 Stone and 10000 Silver each time you hold one.

You are only allowed to hold one Theatre Play per village at a time. Each Theatre Play takes 5 days to complete on a 1 speed world and only 2 and a half days on a 2 speed world. Each Theatre Play accumulates 1 culture point on completion.

Uses of Culture

Culture has two uses: Resetting spent Research points and increasing your cultural levels.

Resetting researches

resetting of researches is not done very often due the only method of doing so being with a culture point (not level), so it should be done so sparingly.

Increasing cultural level

By increasing your cultural level, you can gain new cities either through Colonising or Conquering