(Vennligst også se 2.0 Portalen)
Grepolis 2.0 er en etterlengtet oppdatering som dramatisk vil øke spillopplevelsen. Den store versjons-oppdateringen inneholder mange nye funksjoner.
Nytt Grensesnitt
Grepolis 2.0-verdener vil romme et nytt grensesnitt for å øke din spill-opplevelse. Dette nye grensesnittet vil romme mange funksjoner for å gjøre det lettere å spille Grepolis enn noen gang før.
En av endringene er at kartet dekker hele skjermen, noe som gir spillerne bedre oversikt over deres omgivelser. I tillegg til dette har nye øyer med sensasjonell grafikk blitt lagt til. Byen du opererer i indikeres med en hvit ring rundt seg.
Alle funksjoner er merket med deres tilsvarende tall på dette kartet.
Hvis du dobbelt-klikker på bynavnet vil du ha muligheten til å endre den byens navn som tidligere. Derimot, hvis du enkelt-klikker på banneret som inneholder navnet blir en liste av den spillerens byer dukke opp. Hvis du klikker på byens navn vil du bli fraktet til den byens posisjon på kartet, noe som gjør det lettere å håndtere flere enn én by lettere enn tidligere.
Hurtiglinje (Nummer 2)
Hurtiglinjen inneholder mange hjelpsomme funksjoner for behandling av tropper og byer. Fra venstre: Ikonet med et forstørrelsesglass og et hus vil bringe frem din byoversikt. De to pilene skifter mellom spillerens byer. Hvis du har aktivert premium-fordelen administrator vil du være i stand til å bruke notisblokka og "oversikter"-funksjonen. Notisblokk-ikonet bruker en penn og en journal. Oversikter-fanen er formet som et øye omgitt med en triangel. Oversikter-funksjonen gir deg hjelpsomme regneark, så vel som militære og økonomiske oversikter. De følgende ikonene er for rekruttering av tropper, tropp-aktiviteter og handelsaktiviteter, som er vist i en separat boks-seksjon. Antall aktiviteter er vist ved siden av ikonene.
Ressurser (Nummer 3)
Du kan se dine nåværende by-ressurser oppe til høyre på skjermen: tømmer, stein og sølv. De C-formede barometrene representerer lager-kapasiteten. Befolkningen er også representert på samme måte, med bruk av C-formet barometer for å illustrere ledige innbyggere.
Nåværende Gud (Nummer 4)
The very top right corner shows what god the city is currently worshipping. If you click on the thunderbolt right underneath it, you can see what spells can be used on the current city.
Tropp-hastighet og Enhets-Visning (Nummer 5)
Your available troops within your active city are displayed under the god picture in an expandable menu. If you click on the troops, and select a target, you will be able to see how long it would take for your troops to arrive there. This can be used to your advantage, including timing co-coordinated attacks and for attacking efficiency.
Mini-kart (Nummer 6)
The minimap is located directly under the city name scroll. It is a compact version of the map. By double clicking on the map you are able to see a larger area of the map at one glance. To zoom in again double click on the area you would like to observe. Underneath the minimap the x and the y coordinates are displayed. To go to specific coordinates, enter them in the number fields and click on the button with the lobbing arrow “jump to coordinates”. The next button shows the meaning of the colour markings, which is assigned by the alliance. The last button transports you back to your current city.
Premium-funksjoner (Nummer 7)
An existing feature, this lists the current premium features. Enabled features are shown in colour, whilst inactive features are shown in grey.
Another existing feature; this sidebar contains links to key Grepolis pages.
Windows (Number 9)
Version 2.0 boasts a new windows feature where players can have multiple pages open at once within a single browser tab. These windows can be minimised (seen at the bottom left of the screen), moved and closed (by using the window's "X" button).
Game Messages (Number 10)
New game events appear at the bottom right of the screen as a small pop-up. Each notification can be click on to go to their respective report and can be easily deleted with a single click.
City Radial Menu (Number 11)
If you click on a city on the world map, multiple options appear for the player to use. Now you can, for example attack, spy, cast divine powers, or trade with another city with one simple click.
Farming Villages (Number 12)
Like version 1, most islands are inhabited with farming villages. These can be attacked to gain resources or traded with. Villages that belong to you are marked with a green flag whilst villages that do not belong to you are marked with a red flag.
Please see the new farming system.
World Wonders (Number 13)
After a few months World Wonders will be available. Special sites will be visible on all islands that can potentially build a World Wonder. If you click on a construction site, it will give you additional information about the structure.
The Phoenician Trader
The Phoenician Trader is a new option for trading different resources. Every 24 hours, the Phoenician Trader docks at one of your harbors (a harbor is mandatory). He will offer you are variety of options, including at 1:1.5 trade for another resource, as well as troops in exchange for silver. The types of units are random, with a very slim chance of mythical units being available.
World Wonders
The world wonders offer a new team play aspect to Grepolis, which can be built on islands the alliance completely controls (no other/unowned towns may be on such islands). Once "The Age of World Wonders" requirements have been fulfilled, construction may commence. World wonders may be built using resources and favour.
The Age of World Wonders
The Age of World Wonders begins when the following requirements have been fulfilled.
- The world has existed for more than 6 months
- The combined points of the top 50 alliances is at least 250 million
- After 6 months of a world being in existence, the required 250 million point score will be reduced by 13 million per month.
Winning Conditions
If an alliance can bring four of the seven world wonders under their control, they will win the world. A hero world is unlocked and is opened to the best players of the world. Heroworlds have settings and features exclusive to them.
New God: Hades
Hades will be the fifth god available to players, hosting 4 new spells and 2 unique mythical units.
Mythical Units
Hades' two mythical units are as follows:
Erinyes are the hideous spawn of Hades and Persephone. These creatures fight for the wrongdoings against the dead and seek revenge on the living. Their supernatural screams drive their opponents into madness
Cerberus is the hound of Hades, a 3 headed beast who will devour those who dare to sneak past him.
Divine Powers
Four spells are available to you if you choose to worship Hades: Return of the Dead: Some of your units that fell in battle are reanimated in their home city. Treasures of the Underworld: You receive 500 silver coins. Helmet of Invisibility: Your troops are invisible for the first 10 % of their journey. Plague: Reduces the base production of resources in an enemy city by 50% for 3 hours.
New Farming System
At the start of the game, you will be given 2 farming village to pillage on a regular basis. You no longer need troops to farm! These villages will be denoted by a green flag. Each farming village can be expanded and conquered to give you a bigger resource income.
Conquering a Farming Village
In order to farm, you must first “conquer” these villages. In order to gain control, you simply must kill all of the units defending the village. Furthermore, you must possess enough troops in your city to be able to conquer the village. A blue bar at the top (as seen in the visual below) indicates if you have enough units (based on farm space used) in your city or if you're short. As the number of farming villages you own increases, you will find increased resistance in subsequent villages to defeat. Once you kill all of the units, the village is yours to loot, demand resources, and trade with.
Resource Loads
If a farming village is under the players control, it will generate resource loads that can be sent to the player's city. It is possible to demand resource loads before they are finished, and upon completion they will be transferred. Resource loads can accumulate to a small degree, so casual players will not loose as many resources if they do not log in for a day or two.
Plundering Resources
Resources can also be plundered without the consent of the farming village. However this feature will decrease the farming village's mood. If the mood sinks too low, the farmers can even revolt and kill all stationed troops in your village, which will also cause a temporary reduction of the resource loads.
Demand Troops
You can also demand troops from your farming villages. A level 3 Barracks is a requirement for this action. However be careful, this action causes the farming village's mood to decrease.
Premium Features
2.0 holds host to a number of new premium features to enhance your Grepolis gameplay.
Attack Planner
The attack planner is a new tool received with the captain premium ability. Players can create and share a number of plans with friends and their alliances. This attack plan can have multiple targets; with the attack arrival time being controlled by you!
Overview Changes
A new administrator overview provides you with everything that is happening in your city with a single glance. Troops, researches and more can be seen in a single glance.
In addition to this, the recruitment and troops overviews are now separated, making administrator more useful than ever before.
Other Advantages
- With the use of gold, you can summon the Phoenician trader immediately.
- Similar to the halving of building times, you can now half research times.
- Some divine powers, such as Happiness may be extended with a small amount of gold. This may be done only a limited amount of times.
In addition to all the features above, there are a variety of new setting available in Grepolis 2.0.
Window Management
The player can control how many windows can be displayed simultaneously. If you set the maximal window number to "1", the currently open window will close automatically when you open a new window(similar to the old version).
Local Data Storage
To load the game faster, some of the game data will be stored on your hard-drive. If you would like to deactivate this feature or delete the local cache, you can do this from the settings menu now.
Building in the City Overview
2.0 enables the player to queue building orders from the city overview. If you click on the small hammer next to the building, the level will be upgraded. This function can be disabled in the Settings menu. The building-queue under the city overview can also be disable there.
Other Improvements
Academy Research Changes
The research item "Demand Troops" has been removed from the Academy. In 2.0 this feature will be available for all players without having to research it. The academy now offers "espionage" in its place. A feature that increases your spy's speed by 10%.
Booty doubles the amount of resources taken from a farming village, but also doubles mood decrease and time taken to re-demand.
City Overview
The graphics of the city overview have been completely redone, making the city look cleaner and more friendly.
In the new 2.0 version, all buildings can also be upgraded in the city overview. To Increase a building level simply click on the hammer symbol. The building cue is also displayed beneath the City overview, giving the player more information about the current building levels.
New Barracks Building Requirements
The building requirements for the Barracks have changed in the 2.0 version. The old requirements were: Senate(level 4) and Farm (level 4). The new requirements will be: Silvermine (level 1), Senate(level 2), Farm(level 3) and Timber camp(level 4)
New Tutorial
The new tutorial consists of two parts, explaining the mechanics of the game in greater detail then before. The player learns about the building mechanics and the farming villages. The farming village tutorial however is optional.
Windows Internet Explorer 6 not supported
Please be aware that Internet explorer versions 6.0 and lower will not be supported anymore. We strongly suggest to upgrade your browser to the highest possible version.