Kampen om troja

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Battle of troy logo.png

Denne eventen 'Kampen om Troja' er en tilpasset versjon av vår tidligere event "Trakisk erobring". Troja blir styrt av en falsk konge og må bli satt fri! Achilles ber deg om hjelp til å erobre byen. Dette er en god mulighet for deg til å lede en hær av handelsmenn til krig og skaffe deg eksklusive belønninger som vil gjøre ditt rike enda sterkere.


Troy map.jpg

Raidet mot Troja blir vist på kartet som du kan se består av forskjellige kampplasser. Hver kampplass er markert med et symbol som viser statusen:

Symbol Betydning
Symbol attack.png Denne kampplassen kan angripes av dine handelsmenn
Symbol cooldown.png Denne kampplassen har allerede blitt angrepet og en tid er nødt til å gå før nye fiender ankommer kampplassen.
Symbol locked.png Du har foreløpig ikke kommet deg igjennom nok til å kunne angripe denne kampplassen. Du er nødt til å vinne på den forrige kampplassen minst en gang først.
Symbol lootable.png Det er fortsatt en belønning her som du ikke har samlet. Du vil ikke kunne angripe denne kampplassen før du har hentet ut din premie.

Fra tid til annen vil du få muligheten til å velge mellom to stier. Det er opp til deg å bestemme hvilken belønning du ønsker å gå etter! Du står likevel helt fritt til å slåss deg gjennom alle kampplassene.

Battle against the Trojan enemies

If you select a battleground that can be attacked, the attack window will open up. The enemies that are present there and their strength will be displayed at the bottom, and you can select your own mercenaries in the upper part of the window.

Troy attack.jpg

Please keep in mind that each battleground has its own limit on how many units you can use. If you have more mercenaries under your command than the battleground allows, you have to make a tactical decision which type of unit and how many you want to send into battle. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses against specific units.

An example:

Skirmishers deal 50% additional damage against War Horses. If there are 50 enemy War Horses at the battleground and you have 70 Skirmishers at your disposal, it is a good idea to select 50 Skirmishers. The damage bonus does not count for surplus Skirmishers. Let's assume the battleground limits you to use 80 mercenaries, you can then use the remaining 30 slots (50 are already occupied by the 50 Skirmishers you selected) according to your personal taste. However, it wouldn't be wise to send Ferocious Warriors as the enemy War Horses would deal extra damage against the Ferocious Warriors!

As you can see, quite a bit of strategic thinking is asked for.

Troy2014 Units Ferocious Warriors.png
Troy2014 Units Gastraphetes Archers.png
Troy2014 Units Myrmidons.png
Troy2014 Units Skirmishers.png
Troy2014 Units War Horses.png

Should you be victorious, you will receive the respective reward of that battleground. Alternatively you can leave the reward at the battleground until the end of the event to claim it at any later point in time. If you collect your reward, enemies will repopulate the battleground again after 4 hours, but every time their forces will be even stronger than before. This way you can repeatedly get the same reward whereas the challenge continues to rise.

Another noteworthy feature is that, even if you are defeated when attacking the enemies, the casualties on the enemy side are permanent. This means that you can wear down the enemy with many smaller attacks until you are finally victorious.


When you attack an enemy battleground, Achilles can help you in that attack, which in turn will lift the morale of your mercenaries and raise their combat power by 20%. After his heroic act he needs to rest for 12 hours to recover. But you can also motivate him to go right into battle again with some Gold.

Troy2014 Achilles.png
Troy achilles.jpg

The mercenaries

Although you start your path of conquest with a few mercenaries, you shouldn't stick to such a small force. The following activities in the game will help you to find new groups of mercenaries at random and therefore to build a stronger army:

  • Attacking and defending
  • Recruiting units
  • Research
  • Construction of buildings
  • Casting of spells
Troy mercenaries.jpg

If you find a group of mercenaries, 8-12 random fighters will join your forces (Skirmishers, Ferocious Warriors, Gastraphetes Archers, War Horses, Myrmidons). Keep in mind that you can find a maximum of 10 groups of mercenaries per day. Of course you can also buy 10 mercenaries for Gold which will remain with you until the end of the event. The Gold price for one type of unit increases itself by the base price with every use. The price will be reset every midnight.

If your mercenaries get severely wounded, this is no reason to discard these tough, able fighters. Why? Because every 7 hours a healer will arrive at the camp of your mercenaries to tend to every injured mercenary. If you want to have your army ready for action again as fast as possible, you can pay the healer some Gold and he will arrive at once.

Troy healer.png

You will receive a special reward for clearing the last stage (stage 34) for the first time:


On worlds without heroes, all players will get a whole free culture level for free.


On worlds with heroes, you get, additionally to the free culture level, the new exclusive hero "Hector".