Artemis er en streng og grusom gudinne, og er fiendtlig mot alle menn. Som hersker over dyreriket er hun hersker over Villsvinene, og kommanderer Griffingene oppe i skyene. Hennes guddommelige krefter kan gi sine fiender hallusinasjoner. Hun kan også styrke målet for avstandskrigerne og rense magien til fiendene. Hennes allsidighet i kamp er en kraft å regne med!
Artemis vil kun være tilgjengelig på Helteverdener!
Guddommelige krefter
Naturens gave
A mysterious wagon full of stone appears before the cities doors. Praise Artemis!
The selected ciy receives 650 stone.
Artemis pil
The aim of your distance troops is enhanced by Artemis.
Troops that use distance attacks are 15% stronger. (can only be used on an outgoing attack).
Artemis casts an illusion spell on an enemy city. The cities owner will see an incoming attack, however when the attack arrives the victim realizes it was only an illusion.
This spell mimics an attack and causes the player to see an incoming attack. When the spell “arrives” a report is created stating it was only an illusion. The spell is used on a city, and has the speed of a lightship.
Artemis cleanses a city or troops from all active spells.
This spell is used on own cities as well as incoming or outgoing attacks. The spell removes all negative spells from the city or attack.
Mytologiske enheter
The Griffin is a symbol for wisdom and is a guardian of the divine. It is the master of the skies and king of the beasts. Its speed and agility are only bested by its ability to strike unexpected from above.
Weapon type: Blunt
Attack Damage 920
Hastighet: 20
Befolkning: 38
Forsvar mot skarp: 370
Forsvar mot blunt: 350
Forsvar mot asvstand: 120
The Calydonian boar is an extremely dangerous land unit that crushes legions of soldiers with ease. Once enraged, the boar will fight till its last breath, using its tusks to slash at its enemies.
Weapon type: Sharp
Attack Damage 250
Hastighet: 16
Befolkning: 20
Forsvar mot skarp: 950
Forsvar mot stump: 450
Forsvar mot avstand: 100