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Denne artikkelen ble skrevet for en eldre versjon og kan derfor inneholde aspekter som ikke vil gjelde for verdener med versjon 2.0.

Nedenfor er en liste over ofte stilte spørsmål som dekker et bredt emne. Forhåpentligvis vil du være i stand til å finne svar på dine spørsmål lettere - uten å måtte kontakte support eller opprette tråder i forum.


Hvordan lager jeg en konto?

Du kan opprette en konto lett fra forsiden. For å opprete en konto, klikk på "Spill gratis nå!"-knappen og velg ønsket brukernavn, passord og verden. En e-postadresse og godkjennelse av Vilkår og Betingelser er også påkrevd.

Hvor mye koster det?

Grepolis er, og vil alltid være, gratis. Derimot, hvis du ønsker tilgang til noen bonus-funksjoner og ulike fordeler kan du betale noen kroner for noe gull, noe som kan bli brukt på hva du måtte ønske.

Kan jeg endre mitt passord?

Ja. Hvis du går til "Innstillinger" og så til "Endre Passord" kan du endre passordet ditt med umiddelbar virkning i alle verdener. Bemerk at dette, av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker, krever at du oppgir ditt gamle passord.

Jeg har glemt passordet mitt! Hva gjør jeg?

Takket være registrering av e-adressen kan du faktisk få tilgang til kontoen din, selv om du har glemt passordet. Velg "Glemt passord"-valget på forsiden og fyll inn spillernavnet ditt e-postadressen du brukte under registreringen. Du vil da motta en e-post med instruksjoner for hvordan du kan opprette et nytt passord.

Hvordan kan jeg slette min konto?

Hvis du noen gang skulle ønske å slette din konto, kan du gjøre det ved å gå til "Innstillinger" og så velge "Slett konto"-fanen. Av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker må du oppgi ditt passord som autorisering. Det tar omtrent 7 dager før kontoen slettes. Derimot vil kun kontoen på den nåværende verdenen bli slettet. Spillet vil fortsette som vanlig på andre verdener.

Kan jeg begynne en verden på nytt?

Ja, det kan du. Gå til "Innstillinger" og velg "Begynne på nytt". Merk at alle byer, enheter og ressurser vil gå tapt når du begynner på nytt. Du kan heller ikke tilbakestille før nybegynnerbeskyttelsen har gått ut.

Kan jeg spille på samme Internett-forbindelse som andre spiller?

Ja, det er tillatt. Hvis du deler en Internett-forbindelse med en annen spiller i mer enn 3 dager blir du nødt til å oppgi dette ved å klikke deg inn på "Innstillinger" og "Dele Internett-forbindelse".

Etter at du har oppgitt dette vil aktiviteter som handel, støtte og magi ikke lenger være tilgjengelig mellom disse spillerne. En spiller som blir lagt inn på samme Internett-forbindelse kan ikke bli fjernet før det har gått tre dager. Hvis to eller flere kontoer spiller på samme Internett-forbindelse uten å ha oppgitt dette, kan det føre til at man blir utestengt. Hver spiller har kun lov til å ha én konto på hver verden. Les reglene §2 for mer informasjon

Hver konto må skrive inn alle de andre kjente kontoene som spiller på samme Internett-forbindelse. For eksempel, hvis tre kontoer deler en tilkobling må hver spiller skrive inn brukernavnene til de to andre kontoene.


When Do New Worlds Come Out?

New Worlds are released when other worlds become crowded and full. Wait patiently. Details of new worlds will be posted when they come out on the Announcements Forum.

What Do These Settings Mean?

Different settings on each world mean different strategies must be used. Different settings mean different things as well. For more information on what different settings mean, see Worlds.

How Long Does Beginners Protection Last?

This varies on the world settings. You can find this out by having another player press the attack tab on your village. A notice will appear when this is up.


How Do I Get Resources?

There is two ways of getting resources. The first is through your Silver Mine, Timber Camp and Quarry. These buildings will give you a certain amount of a particular resource each hour. This yield can be increased by upgrading these buildings. The second way is by farming either Farming Villages or other players polises. By sending an amount of troops to the farming village or players polis, you can loot the resources. However, they may defend themselves if the mood is too low.

Why Can't I Store Anymore Resources?

You can't store anymore resources because your Warehouse is full. Upgrade your warehouse to store more resources.

What's A Farming Village?

Every island has 8 Farming Villages. These villages can be attacked for resources. They are not controlled by any player.

How Can I Attack A Farming Village?

On your map, select a farming village and select the attack tab. Select the troops you wish to use and click attack.

I Farmed A Farming Village And They Attacked Back!

This is because the mood is too low. If the mood is below a certain percentage (75% or 60% with the research Diplomacy), the villagers of that polis can attack back. The lower the percentage, the higher the chance they will defend themselves.

How Does Mood Go Back Up?

Mood increases over time. The maximum mood a farming village can have is 100%. Note that the mood that village has to you only applies to you.

Why Didn't I Get A Full Loot When I Attacked A Farming Village?

The amount of loot you get depends on the strength of the farming village. The higher the strength, the more resources you can get from it. Higher strength also means that when you attack the farming village, the lower the strength and mood reduction. However, higher strength also means more defence if you attack when the mood is too low. Note: After an attack, Strength can only go up or down by 15% maximum.

How Does Strength Go Up?

Strength goes up two ways: -Over Time: Strength goes up like mood over time. However, it will stop at 50%. -Strengthening: You can strengthen the farming village by selecting the normal attack tab, then clicking the strengthen button (above the attack button). Strength can only go up or down by 15% and mood applies when strengthening (meaning that the village can defend itself, even if its a strengthen attack). Note: Strength applies to everyone on the island, so that when you get a farming vilage to 100% strength, everyone else has a 100% strength village to farm from.

I Attacked Someone But Received No Resources?

Each player has an amount of "unlootable" resources. This amount increases with every warehouse level. The reason you recieved no resources is because all the resources they had were unlootable.


How Do I Build Buildings

You are able to build buildings three different ways. You can click on the Senate and select the building you wish to build/upgrade from there. The Senate also shows you what resources are need, how much farm space is needed and what is already on your build queue. The second method is by clicking the fifth tab along to the right of your screen (the hammer). This method is a quick and efficent way of building. Lastly, you can also build using the building overview by clicking on the administrator icon at the top. However, it requires premium- administrator.

Why Can't I Build A Particular Building?

To build certain buildings, you'll need to complete certain requirements. For example, to build the Harbor, you need to have a level 15 Timber Camp and a level 10 Silver Mine. You also need enough resources and enough Farm space.

What Buildings Are There?

There are many buildings to build. For a list, please see Buildings.

What Are The Special Buildings?

The special buildings have special effects, that may bring a bonus to the troops or villagers in that polis, or one that gives you an ability that you didn't have before. However, these bottom tier buildings are very hard to get and you may only build two (one from the left side, one from the right side) per polis. For a guide on the special buildings, please click here


How Do I Build Troops?

Troops or Land Units may be built two different ways. The first way is by going into the barracks. From here, you may select which troops you want (eg. Swordsmen or Archers). From here, you can also see thorough details about the troops (eg. how much attack, what type of attack?) by expanding the menu. To do this, simply click the plus box above the costs table. The second way requires Administrator. By clicking on the adminstrator icon near your polis name, you can select a troop overview. From this overview, you can quickly and efficently build units across all of your polises.

Why Can't I Build Any More Troops?

Farm Space is required to build troops. If you are out of space in your farm and have no free population, you will be unable to build anymore troops. To solve this problem, you'll need to upgrade your farm. Please note that 1 unit does not necessarily mean 1 farm space is used. Units such as horsemen will require 3 farm space per unit. Divine units such as the Hydra will require even more.

Why Can't I Build This Particular Unit?

Firstly, make sure you have Researched the unit in the Academy. If you are still unable to build this particular unit, check the requirements. For example, the Chariot requires the barracks to be level 15. If you are still unable to build this particular unit, make sure you have enough farm space to build that unit.

How Do I Attack Another Players Polis?

To attack another players polis, go to the map and select the polis you wish to attack. Then click on the attack button (the third button from the left). Select your troops and type of attack, whether it would be a regular attack, breakthrough (naval) or revolt (revolt worlds only). Then press attack.

When I Attacked Someone, Why Did I Get A Question Mark For Their Troops?

The question mark appears when an insufficient number of troops survive to report back the enemy's troop strength. It will also appear in the land troops area for ship only attacks, signifying you didn't have ground troops available to engage the enemy and determine their troop size.

Can I Cancel An Attack?

An attack can be canceled. Standard world settings (world speed 1) allows you to cancel an attack within ten minutes of it being sent. However, if your world speed is higher, this time will be shorter. To cancel an attack, click on the attack details and select cancel. Troops will return shortly after, depending on how long ago you asked to send it.

How Do I Support Another Players Polis?

You can support another players polis simply and with ease. Like attacking, go to the map and select the polis you wish to support. From there, select the support tab (2nd from left) and choose your troops. Then press support. This support will take time to arrive at the other village and can be withdrawn any time.

Can I Support/Attack A Player Not On The Same Island As Me

Yes, but you'll need Transport Boats to transport your troops to that polis. It is also advised to send some ships with it (such as light ships) when sending an attack as transport boats cannot attack or defend themselves.

Can I Withdraw Support?

You can withdraw support anytime from when the supporting troops arrive in the polis. To do this, select the Agora (obelisk structure). Then select the "Outside" tab and choose to return either several troops or all troops by clicking on their respective buttons.

What is Militia? How Do You Enable Militia?

If you are under attack, you may want to enable Militia. By enabling Militia, you will arm residents with weapons to defend the polis. However, resources production is halved when Militia is enabled. Militia also only lasts for three hours. To enable Militia, click on the farm and then enlist. The amount you enlist depends on the farm level. You'll enable 10 militia for every farm level (15 with the research city guard) up to level 25. The maximum amount of militia available is therefore 375. If you have anymore questions about Militia, please check here.


How Do I Research Something?

To Research a technology, you need to select your Academy. From here, select the technology you wish to research. This technology will be added to your research queue, which can be viewed at the bottom of the academy menu. Please note: You must have the correct academy level (eg. level 10 for Horsemen), enough research points and sufficent resources.

What Can I Research?

There are 33 different technologies you can research. For a full list, see Research/Technologies.

What Are Research Points?

Research Points are a form of expendable resource that you can use to research new technologies. With each academy level, you get 4 research points. You can get a maximum of 120 research points (with a level 30 academy) or 132 (with a level 30 academy and the special building Library. Since you have a limited amount and seeing as its impossible to research everything in a single city, you must be careful how you spend these.

Why Can't I Research A Technology?

Make sure you have enough resources and research points. If you don't, that would be the reason. However, if your still unable to research, check the prerequisites (eg. do you have a level 10 academy so that horses may be researched?).

Is It Possible To Reset A Research?

Yes, it is. However, it costs a culture point, which can be gained many different ways. Once you have this culture point, go to the academy and select the "Reset" tab. Then choose the research you wish to reset. Your research points will be refunded.


How Does Espionage Work?

Espionage or spying is where a player sends out a spy to see how many troops and what level buildings another player has. Spys can be recruited using silver stored inside a Cave and do not take up farm space. A simple formula is used to see whether your spy is successful or not. You assign spies by giving them a certain amount of silver which is stored in the cave. The spy will then go to that polis. The formula itself is simple. If you sent a spy with more coins than what the enemy player has in their cave, the spy is successful and will see that players troops and buildings. For example, if you send a spy with 1001 coins and he has 1000 coins in his cave, then you will be successful as you have more coins than he/she has in his/her cave. However, if you send a spy with 1001 coins and the other player has 1002 coins in his/her cave, the espionage will be unsuccessful. However, the other player will lose the amount of silver you sent from his/her cave.

Please note: You do not get the silver back after spying and if the defending player has Cryptography researched, the attacking player will find it 20% harder.

What Do You Need To Spy On Someone?

To spy on someone, you must have at least a level 1 Cave and at least 1000 silver stored in that cave. To spy on a player successfully, you must send more silver than the amount they have in their cave.

How Do You Spy On A Player?

Firstly, make sure you have at least 1000 silver in your cave. If you don't, you can deposit more by clicking on your Cave (between the Timber Camp and Warehouse), typing the amount you wish to store or using the slide bar and clicking deposit.

Then, to send out a spy, click on the map. Select the player you wish to spy on and click the espionage tab (to the far right of the window). Now select the amount you wish to assign the spy and click send. Remember, you must assign a minimum of 1000 silver.


Please also see Troop Questions.

How Do I Build Ships?

You will need the harbor to build ships. To build the ships, click on your harbor then choose what ship and how many of those ships you want. To confirm, click the tick. You can also build them using the administrator premium feature via the troop overview.

Why Can't I Build Any More Ships?

Farm Space is required to build ships. If you are out of space in your farm and have no free population, you will be unable to build any more ships. To solve this problem, you'll need to upgrade your farm. Ships always take up a number of farm space, for example Biremes take up 8 population.

Why Can't I Send Land Troops With My Navy?

To send your land troops on an attack with your ships to another island, you need Transport Boats. One Transport Boat will transport 20 units of farm population (22 with the Bunks research to another island.

Why Didn't I Kill My Opponents Transport Boats In An Attack?


Why Can't I Send Resources To Another Player's City?

If the city is on your island then your maximum trade capacity, the amount of resources you can trade at one time, may be capped. If you wish to send resources to a city that is NOT on your island a level 10 Market is required.


Why Can't I Build Myth Units?

Most myth units require a certain Temple level in order to build them. Check the Unit Summary to find the required temple levels.

How Do I Choose A God To Worship?

First you must actually build a temple. After that is done, click on the temple from the City Overview tab and choose one of the 4 gods: Poseidon, Hera, Athena, and Zeus. Click on the god you wish to worship and click worship.


Please note, this only applies to worlds with the conquest method of taking over cities. If you are on a newer world, you are most likely on a revolt world.

What happens to the person who had the city before it was conquered?

The city is lost. If that was the only city that the player had, he/she must now restart

What happens if you send 2 colony ships?

It makes no difference how many colony ships you send. The second ship will simply land, then turn around and head back home You will receive a report about your troops having Tea.

What happens if your troops were not in the City when the colony ship lands?

If they return home in time they get into a battle. If they were supporting someone else and were not recalled they simply disappear when (and if) the city is lost. If they were supporting someone else and were recalled and in transit when the city was lost they arrive home but are now under the control of the owner of the city. (This may be a bug.)


Can I have an ally start the revolution for me?

No, only players with a current revolution can capture the city.

Can there just be one revolt at a time?

There is no known limit on the number of concurrent revolts in a city.

Does the revolt and the colony ship have to come from the same city?

No, you can start the revolt with one city then send the colony ship from another. It does have to be from the same player.

What happens when more than one person tries to take the city?

When the city is captured, all other revolts are canceled and those with incoming colony ships are offered the opportunity to cancel their attack.

What happens to the troops I send with the colony ship?

They remain in the city as support until they are recalled or sent back. The colony ship is destroyed when the city is yours.

Why do people recommend sending the colony ship to arrive early in the revolt period?

The later you leave it, the greater the chance the defender has to get too much support there.

What damage does the revolt do to the city and the troops stationed there?

None. The revolt is more a peaceful protest than a military coup.

Do you need to send a revolt attack before you can capture an abandoned city?

No. You don't need to turn the population against the leader when there is none.

If you send the colony ship from a different city from the one you sent the revolt attack, does the second city need to have revolt researched?

No. The revolt technology is only required to stir up the revolution. Of course you will need to have it researched in one of your cities in order to start the revolt.

When I am ready to send a colony ship, which attack type do I choose?

Just a regular attack. If you use a revolt attack, the colony ship won't land. If you use a breakthrough attack, you are likely to lose the colony ship if there are any defensive ships.


Det jobbes med disse spørsmålene. Takk for tålmodigheten.


Det jobbes med disse spørsmålene. Takk for tålmodigheten.

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Hvordan lager jeg en support-bilett?

You can either create a ticket by going to the Support tab in settings, or alternatively by clicking support on the main page. Then, continue by choosing your world, your issue and by writing a message so that it can be dealt with properly.