Grepolympia 2017
This article is giving an overview about the Grepolympia event. If you were looking for previous versions, please refer to: Grepolympia 2012, Grepolympia 2013 or Grepolympia 2016.
Som bestemt og befalt av Zeus: la lekene begynne!
Erfar de Olympiske leker fra den Antikke Hellas via Grepolympia. Du kan delta på fire forskjellige disipliner som hver av dem varer i 3 dager. For hver oppgave, får du en atlet som du skal trene hver dag og få til å delta i konkurranser. Premiene for å delta i konkurranser er laurbær, som du igjen kan bytte i butikken for ressurser, magi eller effekter. De aller beste alliansene vil vinne unike effekter på slutten av hver konkurranse! For å kunne bli den aller beste trenger du ferdighetspoeng som du kan kjøpe ved treningspoeng som du opparbeider deg når du trener atleten din.
Dag 1-3 | Dag 4-6 | Dag 7-9 | Dag 10-12 |
Maraton | Bueskyting | Spydkast | Stridsvognløp |
For hver disiplin har du en atlet som du kan trene. For å kunne trene han trenger du tropper (land- eller "mythical"enheter). Du kan bruke tropper fra alle byene dine, men vennligst pass på følgende; de troppene du bruker vil permanent bli fjernet fra hæren din.
Samlingsplassen vil tilby to ledige treningsplasser, og i tillegg kan to til kjøpes for 100 og 200 gullmynter. Antall tropper du kan plassere i hver plass er begrenset, noe som resulterer i at maks treningstid er på 1,5 timer per plass.
Når trening først har blitt startet, vil det ikke vært mulig å kansellere treningen. Dette betyr igjen at det vil være umulig å få tilbake tropper etter at dem har blitt lagt til. Hver enhet som blir brukt til trening av atleten din vil gi treningspoeng; antallet varierer (se tabellen under). Du kan også bruke noen få gullmynter som gjør at atleten din kan trene 20% mer effektivt de neste 12 timene. Dette vil da gjøre sånn at han samler opp flere treningspoeng enn vanlig. Denne effekten går over til neste disiplin om det er startet på slutten av forrige.
- The values for training points are relative to the game speed (formula: training points/game speed).
- The amount of units per training slot is also relative to game speed (formula: units*world speed).
There are 3 skills for each discipline which your athlete can learn. Your goal should be to gain as many skill points as quickly as possible and to distribute them amongst the different skills. This is the only way for your athlete to perform better. For every 1000 training points you will receive 1 skill point.
Event | Hoplite Race | Archery | Javelin Throw | Chariot Races |
Skill Sets | Speed, Strength, Endurance | Accuracy, Intuition, Concentration | Technique, Momentum, Throwing Power | Control, Horsepower, Strength |
- Note: As there is a different skill set for each discipline, the training points gained from each discipline will reset after the completion of the discipline.
If the distribution of your skill points is not working, you can reset them for 50 gold. This lets you find the optimum distribution of points to help your athlete reach the top of the table.
Your athlete can enter into a competition once every 12 hours. If you wish to use gold you can enter as often as you like, however, entry costs will increase with each entry. The outcome of the competition will depend on how many skill points you have allocated during training. You'll have to try your best to find the optimal combination.
Depending on how well your athlete performed in the competition, you will receive laurels as a reward. The laurels can be exchanged in the shop for various items. The table below shows how many laurels your athlete will receive based on their performance.
Laurels | Hoplite Race | Archery | Javelin Throw | Chariot Races |
40 | 0 - 1199 m | 0 - 39 pts | 0 - 44 m | 0 - 2499 m |
50 | 1200 - 1499 m | 40 - 49 pts | 45 - 49 m | 2500 - 2999 m |
55 | 1500 - 1799 m | 50 - 59 pts | 50 - 54 m | 3000 - 3499 m |
60 | 1800 - 2099 m | 60 - 69 pts | 55 - 59 m | 3500 - 3999 m |
65 | 2100 - 2399 m | 70 - 79 pts | 60 - 64 m | 4000 - 4499 m |
70 | 2400 - 2699 m | 80 - 89 pts | 65 - 69 m | 4500 - 4999 m |
80 | 2700+ m | 90+ pts | 70+ m | 5000+ m |
The player ranking is based on the athlete's best result from the competitions, so each player will appear only once in the ranking.
For the alliance ranking, the results from the competitions for the ten best athletes of an alliance will be considered, and an average value will be calculated. In case there are less than 10 alliance members taking part in a discipline, each missing member will account for "0" points in the calculations.
In addition to the rewards alliances and players can receive, there are various awards that can be earned as well during the Games.
Player Rewards
Depending on the results of the competition, a player's athlete will earn a certain amount of laurels based on their performance. These laurels can then be exchanged in the shop for personal reward items.
Alliance Rewards
At the end of each discipline, the top 10 alliances will receive an 'effect' as a reward. This effect is tied to membership within the alliance. When joining or leaving the alliance, the effect is thus activated or deactivated respectively. The strength, or intensity, of this effect will depend on where the alliance places in the rankings. Duration: 14 Days from the enactment of the reward.
After your athlete begins to earn laurels, you can take them to the shop and exchange them for the various items listed below:
After the Grepolympia ends
If you still have laurel leaves left over at the end of the Grepolympia, don't worry because you can still spend your remaining laurels for a little while afterwards! The shop will remain open for 2 days after the event has ended to give you time to decide which items you want to buy.