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På Grepolis er du nødt til å finne deg en allianse for og kunne ha støtten som det andre spillere gir fra seg. Uten en allianse vil du mest sannsynlig ikke overleve spesielt lenge, og du vil også være et fint mål for andre spillere som er ute etter en forsvarsløs og alene spiller å angripe. Allianser kan hjelpe deg med støtte når du trenger det og kan hjelpe deg framover i spillet. Det er også en veldig flott plass å bli kjent med nye mennesker på. Tror ganske mange blir overrasket over hvor sosialt Grepolis sånn egentlig er.

Finne en allianse

I begynnelsen er det ofte bedre å finne en allerede etablert allianse raskt enn å bruke tid på å stifte din egen. Å stifte sin egen allianse er lett, men å styre den uten erfaring er meget vanskelig. Du kan raskt oppdage at du står på tynn is.

Først og fremst er det best å ikke søke om å bli medlem i de høyest rangerte alliansene, da disse ikke er så glad i å ta inn nybegynnere. Den allianse som gir mest mening å delta i er en som er tett på deg. Dette betyr at de lett kan tilby støtte mot angrep og hjelpe deg oppover hurtigst mulig. Allianser med erfarne spillere som har hatt suksess på andre verdener er normalt allianser som kan gi deg én og annen fordel.

Bli med i en allianse

For å faktisk kunne bli med i en allianse, er du nødt til å ha mottatt en invitasjon fra en spiller i den alliansen. Når du mottar en invitasjon vil du få en notifikasjon om dette i dine rapporter og du kan godta en invitasjon ved å klikke på "allianser" og deretter klikke på knappen ved siden av navnet til alliansen - klikker du på det røde krysset vil invitasjonen bli slettet. Du kan motta noen invitasjoner kort tid etter at du ble med på den verden eller så kan du spørre etter invitasjoner fra andre allianser. Om du allerede er i en allianse, men ønsker å bli med i en annen allianse er du først nødt til å gå ut av din allerede eksisterende allianse for og kunne se en ny invitasjon.

Oppretting av en allianse

Å opprette din egen allianse er et stort skritt i din utvikling som en Grepolis spiller. Det innebærer masse arbeid og mange oppgaver som er grunnen til at man bør skaffe seg noen gode spillerfaringer først. For å etablere en allianse skal du klikke på Allianse i menyen til venstre i din byoversikt. I det nye vinduet kan du se alle dine nåværende allianseinvitasjoner og du kan opprette en allianse for deg selv. Hvis du allerede er medlem av en allianse må du melde deg ut av denne først (Klikk på Egenskaper og deretter på forlat stedet-knappen). For å opprette alliansen skal du registrere navnet på din ny allianse. Alliansenavnet kan senere endres av en av grunnleggerne.

(Merk: Det er ikke anbefalt å opprette en allianse dersom det er første gang du spiller Grepolis. Det krever ganske mye tid og jobbing for å få en allianse til og bli bra. Ved å spille i andre alliansen vil du etterhvert oppleve nok til å gjøre opp din egen erfaring om allianser.)


Til å starte med kan du sende invitasjoner til mange spillere i nærheten og håpe at noen ønsker å joine deg eller så kan du velge deg ut noen få enkelte spillere. Du kan rekruttere dem før verden åpner eller sende en melding til dem på spillet. Det kan også være en fordel om du reklamerer for alliansen din på det offentlige forumet. Finn det rette forumet for den verden og lag en tråd angående alliansen din.

(Husk: Det er forskjell på en allianse som bare rekrutterer alle spillerne og en Elite allianse)


Det kan være lurt for deg å opprette retningslinjer på dette med hvem som får lov til å bli med i alliansen, hvem som skal få lov til å ha rettigheter til å invitere spillere osv.

Opprette forum

Noe annet du trenger å gjøre er og opprette forum til alliansen din. Du kan opprette og redigere nye faner ved å gjøre dette via administratorvinduet som finnes nede i høyre hjørnet.

Opprette en profil

Du må sørge for å velge et bilde for alliansen din, en banner og opprette en profil. En profil er som regel noe ala dette:

  • Alliansenavn: The Spartans
  • Poeng: 10000
  • Medlemmer: 10
  • Profil: Spartanerne har regjert den vestlige sivilisasjonen for århundre og skal ikke stoppe nå!! For rekruttering eller diplomati, kontakt xxxx. Om du ønsker å være vår fiende, send oss en melding.. Om du ønsker å være vår allierte eller ha en pakt, gi opp.

Så en kan ganske greit si at en profil er;

  • noe som fanger oppmerksomheten til andre, men som også samtidig er relatert til alliansen
  • hvem andre spillere må kontakte
  • noe om allierte og fiender - gjerne også en macho linje angående fiender


There are no rules on how an alliance must be run and the following is merely a guide, you can use any possible combination to find your own best way of running an alliance.


In general, an alliance will not have one founder and the rest just regular members, instead there will be some sort of officer and leader set-up, so you will have:

  • Founders: one or two people you implicitly trust, usually others who helped found the alliance, these people will have the full founder rights.
  • Leaders: people you trust who have good leadership abilities.
  • Some sort of High-Council or Senate: a combinations of people whose advice you trust but have no other rights, and the more trusted officers, these people have internal forum rights.
  • Recruiter(s): people in charge of recruiting members, sometimes leaders just do this when an alliance stops recruiting as much.
  • Diplomat(s): people in charge of performing diplomacy with other alliances, as with recruiters, sometimes leaders simply perform the diplomacy
  • Forum mod(s): people with forum mod abilities, who will keep the forum tidy and easy to read, they also remove profanity if it's part of the alliance rules.
  • Task Force Leaders: people who lead small groups of players in the alliance to help with organization, only use these if you are absolutely confident of your organization abilities.

Available Rights

Now, the available rights for these people in the hierarchy are:

Gründer.pngFounder: has the same as rights as leaders as well as being able to rename the alliance and dissolve the alliance. Founders can kick out other founders
Leiter.pngLeader: in addition to all below rights, leaders also have the ability to edit/create/delete forum tabs, alter internal announcements and alliance profile and to kick out members. Leaders can kick out other leaders but not founders.

Einladungen.pngInvitation: gives ability to invite players.
Diplomatie.pngDiplomacy: allows a person to set the status of diplomatic relations with another alliance (as of the 1.19 update.
Rundmail.pngMass mail: gives a more convenient option to be able to mail the entire alliance at once.
Moderator im Forum.pngForum Moderator: gives the ability to edit, process, or delete posts and to move, lock, or delete threads. They can't create, edit or delete tabs.
Zugang zu dem internen Foren.pngInternal Forums: gives ability to access the hidden forums of an alliance.

The rights below the dashed line are all completely independent of each other, founders have every single right, leaders have all the bottom 5 rights as well as their own rights.

Setting privileges

In order to give people privileges (rights), you should first make sure that you trust a person and they ought to be quite active in the game. This is done by observing this person to see if they are the type to help alliance members, you might know a person previously, you might ask another person that you trust, etc. This is one of the most important factors of choosing someone for a position. Furthermore, you must check that they are actually competent, so here is what you probably need:

  • Leaders: good administrating, not abusive of power, do not choose leaders because they are ultra-high in points, good players are not necessarily good administrators, so choose wisely, particularly because leaders can be very powerful.
  • Recruiters: follow orders, can spot potentially good players are willing to deal with lots of mail (if you are a top alliance).
  • Diplomats: must have good judgment and good people skills.
  • Forum mods: make sure you trust them not to unnecessarily delete threads, posts, make it seem like people have said something they haven't, etc.
  • High council: people you trust and whose advice you want in certain situations

Assigning the rights

In order to give rights, you go to the alliance tab, click members, and then click 'edit authorizations' and then check/uncheck rights for those people.


The most common diplomatic relationships are:

Ally: when both alliances are willing to help each other with attacks and support.

NAP: Non Aggression Pact, both alliances agree not to attack each other while the NAP is standing, there is no mutual support as with an ally though.

Enemy: Alliance with whom you are at war, you don't necessarily have to let them know you are at war, but they will eventually work it out.

You can mark allied alliances and enemy alliances in the Pacts tab:

  • Allies are marked green and enemies red.
  • If you try to attack someone from an allied alliance, you will be asked to confirm.
  • In a pact log, your alliance will be notified about new and canceled memberships as well as conquests and losses of cities by players whose alliances are part of your pact.
This is what an ally looks like on the map

Forum moderation

The forum moderator's job is to keep the forums tidy and enforce and alliance rules in this regard. They will usually delete or 'archive' (i.e. send threads to a hidden forum called Archive) old threads that are cluttering the forums. They may also delete or edit posts in case someone is breaking alliance rules which may include using profanity, posting troop numbers and general spamming. There is really only a need for one or possibly two in a large alliance. Also note that if a forum moderator gets upset then they have the power to mess up the forums creating quite a problem for the alliance, so make sure they are mature and trustworthy.


Some players within an alliance may be spying for enemy alliances. They can either join with this intention or be swayed into performing some espionage once already in the alliance. This usually means giving away information which appears in the forum or in rarer cases being given priveleges to view the hidden forum. This problem is a lot more prevelant in larger alliances who don't mind who they invite. It is probable that there you will be infiltrated a couple of times, but it doesn't have to be problematic. The use of a hidden forum as well as outside chats means you don't have to post sensitive information on the forum and it is best to keep an eye on your members.

Malicious disbandment

One of the most controversial tactics is to get invited into an alliance, convince a founder to give founder priveleges and then disband the alliance. This can also happen if a founder gets upset and decides to take out their anger by disbanding.

This happens most often in large alliances with less experienced players. A player will come in and claim to have lots of experience and will demand priveleges (or wryly convince). The solution is simply to have more checks on those who you give priveleges to and not to give priveleges to people who have just joined and who you don't yet fully trust.


A more common occurrence in the world of Grepolis is the merging of two alliances. This can either mean that alliance A merges into alliance B or A and B both join the new alliance C (note that making a new alliance will re-set the alliance battle points in the rankings). This is often used by two alliances who want to consolidate their power peacefully and thus take over an ocean or provide a stronger resolve against a common enemy.

Many alliances write that they will not merge into another alliance in their profile, however, this is often untrue.


Q: Doesn't internal forums right let you edit the internal announcements?

A: NO! most definitely not, it just lets you have access tot the hidden forums, nothing more.

Q: Does forum moderator ability let you edit the internal announcements?

A: No, you can only edit posts and threads of the alliance forum with forum moderator ability.

Q: Does having forum moderator rights automatically give you access to the internal forums?

A: No, you can only edit posts and threads of the alliance forum, and move threads, with forum moderator rights.

Refer to the FAQ section for more