Kjente funksjoner
Så lenge heltene er på testing i betasteget, vil vi gi en liste over kjente problemer vedrørende hvordan spillmekanismen (ikke bugs!):
- Akkurat nå er du nødt til å sende en transbortbåt (når du angriper andre øyer) og noen landenheter for å kunne bruke en helt, selv om du kun ønsker å angripe med båter (f.eks i kombinasjon med Zuretha). Vi vil derimot prøve å endre på dette sånn at en kan sende en helt så lenge en har det påkrevde antall befolkningen for å angripe.
- Noen spillere tror at det å rekruttere og oppgradere helter tar altfor lang tid. Vi kommer til å følge nøye med på dette, og vi vil mest sannsynlig legge til en forskning i framtiden som gir erfaringspoeng til en helt i framtiden. Dette vil gjøre det lettere å oppgradere helten sin!
En introduksjon
På mange måter kan en si at helter er som vanlige tropper, men det er selvfølgelig enkelte ting som skiller de fra hverandre:
- Helter blir ikke rekruttert i bygninger. Hvordan helter blir rekruttert kommer vi til etter hvert.
- Helter blir ikke betalt for i form av ressurser, men med "krigsmynter" og "visdomsmynter" som en får ved å fullføre øyoppdrag.
- Hver helt har sin spesielle ferdigheter som du kan se når du leser beskrivelsen til han/henne, hver ferdighet vil påvirke spillet på sin måte.
- Ved å bruke "krigsmynter" og "visdomsmynter" kan helter oppgraderes til nye nivåer (opp til nivå 20), dette vil forbedre deres vedier og ferdigheter.
- Du mister ikke helter når du starter på nytt igjen på en verden.
- Helter kan ikke dø. Blir de slått i et slag blir de heller skadet, men vil få tilbake styrken sin over tid.
- Helter er ikke begrenset til byer eller befolkning.
- Det er mulig å plassere helter i byer, men det er ikke mulig å ha mer enn èn helt i byen samtidig.
- Helter kan ikke brukes til å sende som støtte til andre byer eller spillere. De kan kun brukes i dine egne byer og angrep. De vil heller ikke bli værende når en by erobres!
- Etter et angrep har landet, vil helten umiddelbart returnere til byen den ble sendt ut fra uten reisetid.
Hero Overview
Et nytt grensesnitt har blitt lagt til. Du kan finne den rett under bildet av din gud oppe til høyre på din skjerm. Dersom du klikker på dette elementet, vil du åpne opp helteoversikten.
In the Hero Overview Screen you can see some of the information about the heroes you employ:
- Level, image and name of a hero
- Status: wounded, assigned to a city (or running assignment process), in combat
- Current experience points
Please note that you cannot own all heroes right from the start. In the early stages there are only 2 hero slots available. For each additional culture level you will receive another hero slot. If you don't want to wait, you can unlock an additional slot immediately by paying 250 Gold.
Heroes that are shown as wounded will need 18 hours (divided by world's speed) until completely healed. During that time, you can still level up that hero and he/she will still provide his special ability to his town (if applicable). However, a wounded hero will not fight personally, neither in attack, nor in defense.
As you can see, there are many functions and tabs along with the the hero feature. I am now going to go through each of these.
The Coins
You will notice that the feature comes with its own new resource:
The blue ones are Coins of Wisdom, the red ones are Coins of War. You will need them to recruit new heroes and to level-up your existing ones.
To gain this precious resource, you just have to finish Island Quests. Which type of Coin you will receive depends on your decisions!
Also keep in mind that every player can gain the same amount of Coins per day when finishing all available Island Quests. If Island Quests spawn rather seldom because of the amount of your overall points, you will receive more Coins per Island Quest to make up for the lower spawn rate. In the end, everyone could earn up to 24 Coins per day.
Recruiting a Hero
Clicking on the "Recruiting" tab opens up a window that looks like this:
You will usually see one Hero of War and one Hero of Wisdom being offered to you. This offer will change at midnight though. If you choose to buy one of the heroes, the other one will fade away as well. By paying 50 Gold, you can immediately refresh the offer instead of waiting until midnight.
The choice you get is random, but only heroes that you do not already own are shown. To acquire a "Hero of War" you need to spend "Coins of War" which you earn by successfully completing Island Quests in an aggressive manner. Generally speaking, "Heroes of War" are useful for any kind of military action. Some of the heroes in this category are good defenders, while other "Heroes of War" excel in leading your armies into battle. "Heroes of Wisdom" on the other hand are paid with "Coins of Wisdom ", which you get by solving Island Quests the wise way. The "Heroes of Wisdom" usually help to improve the economy of your cities by, for example, having a positive effect on building times, production of resources and the like.
Incidentally you will come across heroes that require an award in addition to the coins. This is listed in the price for the respective heroes. If this is the case, there is a special quest line that needs to be completed to earn this award. Each hero with an award requirement has his/her very own quest line, which will appear randomly. When such a quest line has popped up it will be automatically shown in the interface with all your other Island Quests. In addition it has a marker displayed on the map and thus a fixed position, like other Island Quests.
Keep in mind that such a storyline quest will not appear if you happen to have less than 6000 points overall. Also, these storyline quests are quite difficult, so don't always expect them to be done within a few hours.
Coin Exchange
Should you ever lack a few Coins of one type for your endeavors, don't hesitate to use the coin exchange. It will allow you trade Coins of War for Coins of Wisdom at rate of 2:1 and vice versa. Although you will have a loss, this feature can be helpful if your desired hero is being offered and just a few Coins are missing.
Leveling heroes
If you click the little button behind the experience bars, a new window will appear which is solely used for leveling up the chosen hero. This window will display all the changes which will be applied after a successful level-up, as well as the needed amount of Coins (of War or Wisdom) to reach that level. The base stats (attack, defense) will increase, as well as the power of that hero's special ability!
Assigning a Hero
In the overview, you can assign up to one hero to each town. Heroes that are assigned to a town will give you two benefits:
- If the city is attacked the hero will defend the city just like common land units
- The special abilities of some heroes can only unfold while being in a town (like, for example, in the case of Andromeda)
The process of assigning a hero takes up to 6 hours (divided by the world's speed), it is the time the hero needs to "move into the city". During this time the hero will not yet bring any benefits. You can manually withdraw a hero from a town at any time.
If your town is conquered, the assigned hero will be automatically detached and released.
For your convinience, you can also see if a hero is currently assigned to the active town in the interface element at the top right (below the Gods). The interface element will also indicate whether a hero is currently being assigned, wounded or moving to attack.
Council of Heroes
And finally, if you click on the "Council" tab, you will be able to see all of the Heroes that there are in the game, along with all of their stats.