Persisk erobring

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Persisk erobring er en event som har blitt utviklet spesielt til feiringen av Grepolis sin 5 årsdag. Eventen kombinerer flere aspekter av tidligere eventer som vi har hatt tidligere - alt starter den 6. oktober og vil vare i minst 45 dager.


På hver verden vil en NPC (non-playing-character) bli opprettet, kalt Artemisia. Denne spilleren vil ha en superby i hvert hav som vil være vanskelig å bekjempe. For å kunne vinne over Artemisia er spillere nødt til å jobbe sammen som en allianse, og pga vil alle medlemmene i en allianse bli belønnet så snart et enkelt medlem av alliansen klarer å erobre en superby. Disse superbyene vil derimot bli gjort om til vanlige byer så snart den blir erobret!


The first four alliances that complete this task will receive the following rewards:

Place Award Rewards
1st PCA1.png
  • 9 x Population Boost +300
  • 9 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 4
  • 9 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 4
2nd PCA2.png
  • 7 x Population Boost +300
  • 7 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 3
  • 7 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 3
3rd PCA3.png
  • 5 x Population Boost +300
  • 5 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 2
4th PCA4.png
  • 9 x Population Boost +100
  • 5 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 2
  • 5 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 2
  • 9 x Harpy Reinforcement LvL 9
  • 9 x Lightship Reinforcement LvL 9

All alliances after the first four will receive the following rewards - however, even the first four will receive the below mentioned award in addition to the above mentioned awards:

Place Award Rewards
5th PCA5.png
  • 1 x Population Boost +100
  • 1 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 1
  • 1 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 1
  • 1 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 1
  • 1 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 1
  • 5 x Horseman Reinforcement LvL 5
  • 5 x Lightship Reinforcement LvL 5
  • 5 x Bireme Reinforcement LvL 5

Technical notes

  • There will be no reports from troops supporting a city of Artemisia.
  • Artemisia's cities are immune to divine powers.
  • It is not possible to spy on Artemisia's cities
  • The event is not available on peace worlds (Hyperborea)
  • While there are troops from Artemisia in the town support will not be possible