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Erobring er prosessen for hvordan man kan ta over en annen by. Flere mener at erobring er den beste måten å få nye byer på i Grepolis. I Grepolis finnes det flere ulike måter å få tak i andre byer på. Hvis du spiller på en verden der "Opprør" er satt til "Ja" gjelder ikke erobrings-systemet, men heller opprørs-systemet. Se også Kolonisering.



Før du i det hele tatt kan begynne å erobre noe som helst må du sørge for at du her de følgende tingene:

Uten dette kan du ikke erobre noen by. Det er også smart at du har et overskudd av ressurser før du setter i gang med denne prosessen.

Valg av by


Når du velger en by du vil erobre lønner det seg at den stemmer med følgende utsagn:

  • Den har mer enn 750 poeng
    • Hvis du byen er lavere enn dette vil det heller være lønnsomt å Kolonisere en by, med mindre du f.eks. trenger å erobre byen med tanke på å okkupere en øy (se Verdensundere) Det kan også være lurt å vente til byen blir litt større.
  • Den er ikke eid av en annen (stor) allianse
    • Erobrer du en by til en spiller som holder til i en annen allianse risikerer du å få noen sinte krigere på nakken. Sørg ihvertfall for at alle i alliansen er godt forsvart.
  • Den er ikke eid av en mye større spiller (med flere byer)
    • Hvis du erobrer én av fiendens byer kan det ende med at spilleren hevner seg ved å erobre fra sine andre byer.
  • Den er ikke for langt unna deg
    • Hvis byen er for langt unna vil du ikke kunne bruke byene til å støtte hverandre. Siden koloniskipet er så tregt som det er vil du også risikere at spilleren du vil erobre rekker å skaffe mye mer forsvar enn hvis du erobrer en by like i nærheten. En fordel med å velge en by som er langt unna, kan være hvis du samler alliansen på ett område.
  • Den er ikke på samme øya som din første by
    • Har du to eller flere byer på samme øy er du ikke i stand til å kreve like mye ressurser fra bondelandsbyene. Krever du fra den ene byen må du også vente før du kan kreve i den andre.
  • En allianse-kompis har ikke gjort krav på (claimet) den
    • Vanligvis har alliansene et kreve-system (claiming) i allianse-forumet, der spillerne kan gjøre krav på ulike byer slik at ikke flere går for samme by og ødelegger for hverandre.

Hovedsakelig vil du ikke ha en by som fører til for mange konsekvenser, men likevel er stor nok så den er verdt å erobre. Husk, det er ingen måte å kvitte seg med en by på - så du må beholde byene du erobrer helt til noen eventuelt erobrer den fra deg igjen. (Du kan f.eks. gjøre avtale med en i alliansen)


I will use three examples of a city to conquer and I will point out the best option:

Example cities
  1. City 1:
    • Abandoned city
    • 2,500 points
    • one island over from you
  2. City 2:
    • Owned by a 100,000 point player
    • You are currently 20,000 points
    • The other player's alliance is twice your alliance's size
    • 10,000-point city
    • You can not seem to get a spy through
    • Same island as you
  3. City 3:
    • A one-city player
    • No alliance
    • 10,000-point city
    • your spy reports say no troops
    • 2 islands over from you
Example city evaluations

Here is my assessment of each of those cities:

  1. City 1:
    • mediocre city, would make a good second city if there are not any better alternatives
  2. City 2:
    • Probably the worst possible combination of attributes in a conquerable city, do not conquer a city like this
  3. City 3:
    • The perfect city to conquer, you should go for this option if it is ever available.

Preparations to conquer

Before you actually conquer a city, there are many things you will have to do. These include making sure that you are allowed to take the city, that the city is cleared, etc.

Clearing a city

Before conquering a city, you will need to clear it, or kill all of the troops occupying the city. In order to do this, you must go about this process:

  1. spy on the city to find out how much resistance you will meet
  2. attack the city with appropriate forces to destroy all of the troops in the city

After this, you just need to make sure that the city stays cleared of troops.

Claiming a city

Usually alliances will have some sort of way to claim cities. To claim a city means that you say that you are going to conquer it, if you do not claim a city then you may end up having your colony ship accidentally destroyed by an alliance member, you may actually get punished by your leaders, etcetera.

Building a Colony Ship

You must build a colony ship to conquer a city, this might take some time because you need to collect up 10000 of each resource and then wait around 12 hours to build it, so make sure you have built it before continuing onwards.

The conquering process

Now we come to the exciting part, the victim is cleared, you have your Colony Ship ready and you want to do the actual conquering. Here is the order of events:

  1. Send an few attacks which are meant to make sure that all the troops of the city are cleared
  2. time a C-Ship to land a few minutes after the clearing attacks, this might mean sending the C-Ship before you even send off the clearing attacks
  3. Time a lot of support waves of defensive troops to arrive right after your C-SHip lands
  4. 24 hours after the C-Ship lands, the city is yours, supposing that you were able to prevent it being taken form you

Timing attacks

You want to keep your attacks as close together and decisive as possible.

During the conquer

There will be a 24 hour period after your C-Ship successfully lands that you will be vulnerable to attack. If an attack on the city manages to kill either all of your land or all of your navy, then your Colony Ship will be destroyed, the conquer broken, and your remaining troops will come home.

After you have conquered

Once you have conquered, there will be a multitude of things to do to settle in


Sometimes the city you conquered will have researched some things that you consider worthless. In order to fix this however, you must use up a culture point so be very careful about resetting researches.


If the conquered city has a temple and it was worshiping a god, then it will keep this god. You should try to use a different god in the new city then you are using elsewhere, you do this in order to make sure you have as many god powers available as possible


Try to get to know your neighbors and your island of your new city, it may be useful in the future

For the defender

As a defender in the conquer process, you have a couple of options. #You only have one city and #You have multiple cities

You have only one city

In this situation, your options are much more limited, and if your city is conquered, then you will have to start over in the world, although you will keep your alliance.

detecting the conquer attack

You will know that a conquer attack is coming by one of a few methods:

  • You note that the attack is taking far longer then most
  • when you click on the attack, there is a picture of a C-Ship, not a regular boat
  • there are multiple waves of support surrounding one attack.

Preparing for the attack

If you are significantly smaller then your attacker, your best chance is to take out the C-Ship only, but not any of the other attacks. You can do this by any of the following methods:

  • Ask a friend to send you support to arrive just before the C-Ship lands, and ask for them to send attacks right after the C-Ship lands
  • send out your defending troops to attack a farming village/175 point city far enough away

that your defensive troops will arrive right before the C-Ship, but do not send defensive troops to any city that might have troops of its own

  • Send out your offensive troops to arrive right after the C-Ship lands, they will assault the C-Ship
  • If you have any Fire Ships, then keep them at your city to destroy the clearing attacks. They will not be able to harm C-Ships or transport boats, so if you send them out with your defensive or offensive troops, then they will end up assisting the conqueror

If the conqueror is your size

If you are sure you can take on all of the conqueror's troops, and the conqueror only has one city, then you can leave your defensive troops in your city and get more BP

You have multiple cities

In this situation, you are not threatened with being completely destroyed, and you have more chance of deflecting the attacks. All of the methods for if you only have one city do apply in this situation, but the following also apply:

  • you can send support from your other cities to the city that might be conquered, and you can also send attacks at your own city to destroy the C-Ship